Equine Solutions Catalog Page 41

Homeopathic Remedies
and Flower Essences
Botanical Animal Flower Essences by Equilite, Inc.
More than 200 years ago, Samuel Hahnemann, a physician and researcher, discovered
the world of homeopathy while translating medical texts.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which stimulates and strengthens the body's
own natural healing capacity and is based on the Law of Similars, 'that which can cause a disease can also cure
Homeopathic remedies are comprised of natural substances such as plants, herbs, minerals
and due to their effectiveness, low cost, lack of side effects and most importantly, their safety, they are becoming
the treatment of choice throughout the world.
Homeopathics used for the Body Physical Support where the Flower Essences are for the Emotional Support
In the early 1930's the noted British physician Dr. Edward Bach discovered that patient stress, if left
unresolved, inevitably leads to physical disorder.
Determined to avoid the use of harmful medications, Bach searched for and found a safe, gentle and effective
way to relieve stress.
Rescue Remedy helps produce positive, calming, stabilizing effects in a wide range
of stressful situations.
Great for People and Animals.
Basic Directions: Add 4-6 drops to drinking water, carrot, sugar cube or apple or dilute as above and
syringe into mouth. If symptoms persist, seek appropriate medical attention.
Shake bottle well before using. Essences are most effective when applied on the tongue, in drinking water or on
a hard treat. Use in your animal's daily care program
1 to 3 times daily, or use as a training or behavior adjunct 1 hour before needed. Safe to use during competition.
ORAL Place drops in the animal's mouth. Rinse dropper thoroughly
if it contacts the mouth.
Cats and small animals 4 to 8 drops per use
Dogs and medium animals 6 to 10 drops per use
Horses and large animals 1/3 to 1/2 eyedropper per use.
WATER Double the dose recommended for oral usage. Add directly
to animal's water bowl or bucket. Change water daily for best results. Replenish the essences with each water change.
MIST Add 15 drops to 8 oz of purified or spring water in
a spray bottle preferably with atomizer spray. Spray directly in to the air, in and around the animal's nose,
mouth and paws. Spray on their favorite toys, bedding and blankets.
FOOD Add recommended dosage same as oral dosage, to your
animal's favorite treat best to us on treats that will not quickly absorb the value of the essences,
like biscuits, carrots or apples. The least effective way to use the essences is mixed in their food.
Note: The rhythmic use of the remedies aids in the strength
of their actions. The potency is increased by using them on a more frequent and consistent basis,
not by using more drops at a time.
Disclaimer: The blends are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease, or replace the advise of your
veterinarian or animal health care practitioner.
Behavior modification in a bottle
Issue specific formulations
Order by the kit or individually
Dog, Cat & Equine formulas
Easy to administer
Flower & Herbal Essences: Proprietary Liquid Plant Preparations made by infusing the fresh flower blossom under
very specific conditions
Used to balance & harmonize emotional, psychological & spiritual states
Safe to use
No adverse reactions with testing protocols
see essences for equine and pets. Ingredients: Proprietary Liquid Plant Preparations
made by infusing the fresh flower blossom under very specific conditions.
Botanical Animal Flower Essences by
Equilite, Inc.

Available In#
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95
Please specify item blend name and what size when ordering you can copy and paste into the description box. Be
sure to specify quantity.
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ANGELS OF MERCY Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
When there is extreme neglect and physical abuse present. Address issues of trauma, shock, fear, devastation, low
self-esteem, feeling unsafe and insecure or un-loved and unwanted. For any animal that has been rescued from a
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Angels of Mercy
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Angels of Mercy
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Angels of Mercy
AT YOUR SERVICE Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
For animals that always seem to be "on call" overly diligent, overburdened, sacrificing of themselves,
over anxious to please, hopeless from exhaustion
and cannot relax. These animals are workaholics for the cause and have problems quitting no matter how tired, depleted,
or at wits ends the animal is.
They work 9 to fatigue and only think about work, work, work. At Your Service is an uplifting, restorative blend.
ti helps to relax and normalize excessive
busy behavior by sharpening memory and diminishing fatigue.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 At Your Service
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 At Your Service
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 At Your Service
CLEAR THINKING Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
Helps animals that are spaced-out, unfocused, easily distracted and overwhelmed by external stimuli. Especially
those that do not pay attention or are unable to concentrate for any length of time. Helps to increase memory retention
while improving the animal's capacity to learn new things.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Clear Thinking
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Clear Thinking
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Clear Thinking
Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
Never leave the Barn without it - Animals and CrisEase™ - they go hand in hand. Animals are always getting themselves
hurt and feeling the stresses of being asked to do things that are not natural to them. This is the emergency blend
to ease the traumas and stresses of their experiences, past or present--emotional or physical. Whether your animals
crash through a fence or get into any sort of accident, the scars can be difficult for them to get past. Turn to
CrisEase™ whenever there is a shocking situation that over faces your animal leaving them traumatized, shaky and
off-balance. CrisEase™ can resolve the crisis and bring a greater sense of peacefulness to your animal.
CrisEase™ before, during or after stresses and trauma reduces the overall impact of the event. Keep a bottle of
CrisEase™ in your cabinet, your car or tack trunk to always be prepared for anything that might confront your animals.
Remember, ease the next crisis with CrisEase™ and never look back!
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 CrisEase
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 CrisEase
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 CrisEase
CROSSED OVER Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
Used to help calm animals that are suffering from the loss of a loved one. These animals are experiencing extreme
grief and sense of loss, they cannot cope or
adjust to the loss of the loved one. This blend may help animals that have been grieving for long periods of time
due to old issues of their loss. Crossed Over should
be a part of anyone's condolence kit "for their bleeding hearts."
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Crossed Over
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Crossed Over
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Crossed Over
DEVIL BE GONE Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences (replaces Lighten Up/Tone Down)
Replaces Lighten Up Tone Down. For use when the animal exhibits dangerous and overly aggressive behavior towards
others. May include biting, snapping, and unprovoked attacks on other animals or people. Helps address willfulness,
rebelliousness, hostility, aggressiveness, anger, or an obsessive need to protect the caregiver. Try this before
giving up on them!
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Devil Be Gone
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Devil Be Gone
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Devil Be Gone
EASY DOES IT Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
For incidents of obsessive, destructive or disruptive behavior to property. This might include the chewing of household
items, urinating on furniture when left alone, demanding exclusive attention at all times, and constant barking
or crying. Helps address frustration, loneliness, jealousy, over-protectiveness, boredom, and feeling victimized.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Easy Does It
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Easy Does It
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Easy Does It
EGO BUILDER Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
Helps those animals that experience a lack of self-confidence and are afraid to face new situations. For the shy,
timid, fearful, withdrawn, apathetic, or uncertain ones. Excellent for any animal that seems reluctant or unwilling
to meet the challenges or training expected of them. (i.e., entering a ring, crossing water, jump hurdles, etc.)
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Ego Builder
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Ego Builder
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Ego Builder
IN TRAINING BLEND Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
Improves the animal's patience and ability to be more tolerant and accepting of those things they do not understand
or tasks they do not want to do. Helps to establish a one-on-one bond with the trainer or handler and gives the
animal the confidence it needs to face new situations. Increases the animal's mental focus and responsiveness to
training routines.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 In Training
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 In Training
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 In Training
IN THE KENNEL Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
In The Kennel helps to ease the worries and anxiety of pets being taken on short trips to the vet or kennel. Whether
the animal is being taken to the vet for a few minutes, a few hours,
or to the kennel to be boarded for a few days, they still go through the same level of anxiety about your abandoning
them. In the Kennel helps to ease their nervousness and settles
then to adapt to their temporary surroundings. It makes then feel less uprooted and more comfortable about unfamiliar
people and places.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 In the Kennel
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 In the Kennel
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 In the Kennel
INDEPENDENCE Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences (replaces Safe
Keeping/Weaning Blend)
Replaces Safe Keeping/Weanling blend. Helps to ease separation anxiety when being removed
from their owner, mother or herd members. Addresses issues of abandonment, rejection, and worthlessness. Great
to use when you go out of town or when a horse is weaned from his herd. Allows them to stand on their own without
fear or anxiety.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Independence
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Independence
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Independence
LIFE'S CHANGES Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences (replaces Home
Sweet Home/In Transition)
Replaces Home Sweet Home/In Transition. When your animal is faced with drastic changes like the loss of a loved
one or being moved to a new home. For issues of resentment, intolerance, alienation, isolations, and jealousy and
feelings of sadness, heartache and depression. Re-socializes rescued animals. Brings
harmony and happiness to your home and family.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Life's Changes
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Life's Changes
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Life's Changes
MELLOW OUT BLEND Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
Helps to calm the nervous or jittery animals who may be moody or irritable or on edge
all the time. For overly anxious and anticipatory animals who tend to lose control easily. Great to use prior to
competition, during thunderstorms or firework displays. Never leave home without it.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Mellow Out
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Mellow Out
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Mellow Out
OBSESS LESS Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences (replaces Crib Ease/Gnaw
No More)
Replaces Crib Ease/Gnaw No More. Helps to calm the tendency towards obsessive-compulsive behavior. For incidents
of self-destruction or self-mutilation, wind sucking, cribbing, chewing, licking, scratching, and plucking of feathers
without cause. Addresses issues of self-loathing, frustration, boredom and feeling unclean. When obsessive and
repetitive behavior loses its original intent and becomes a habit.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Obsess Less
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Obsess Less
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Obsess Less
PANIC ATTACK Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
Used top calm the hysterical pet that suffers from panic attacks and extreme terror arising out of feelings of
abandonment and isolation when left home alone. They feel deserted,
left to starve and die. When these pets are left alone they lose control, almost having no connection between the
mind and body. At this state, the frantic animal feels no pain or
self-mutilation from trying to get out. Panic Attack is used to help alleviate the frenzied behavior of panic-stricken
animals. It can help ease the hopelessness these animals
experience and reconnect the animal with their reality.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Panic Attack
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Panic Attack
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Panic Attack
RE-CHARGE Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences (replaces Get Psyched)
Replaces Get Psyched. Stimulate the vital energies needed to combat exhaustion and emotional fatigue. Especially
effective in helping to restore energy and revitalize the spirits after a race or competition.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Re Charge
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Re Charge
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Re Charge
SAFE JOURNEY Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences (replaces En Route/Settle
In Shipper)
Replaces En Route/Settle In Shipper. For courage to face trailering and traveling issues. Addresses nervousness,
hysteria, anxiety, fear of confined spaces and motion sickness during travel. Will make the animal feel safe and
secure and release attachments to those left behind. Make traveling easier on them.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Safe Journey
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Safe Journey
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Safe Journey
SIBLING RIVALRY Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
Used when there is extreme competitiveness and jealousy between animals. Addresses issues of being overbearing,
intolerance of other animals, selfish behavior and extreme
control issues. These animals act as if they are jousting for power and constantly compete for your affection.
Sibling Rivalry helps your pets work together for a common good
instead of for themselves. Instills a sense of team spirit and selflessness.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Sibling Rivalry
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Sibling Rivalry
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Sibling Rivalry
UNSEEN VISITORS Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
For animals that feel uncomfortable entering rooms or even walking through doorways, for no apparent reason. These
animals behave strangely and feel uneasy
for almost no reason at all. This blend helps to deal with the issues relating to unseen and unheard elements.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Unseen Visitors
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Unseen Visitors
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Unseen Visitors
WELLNESS/RECOVERY BLEND Botanical Animal by Equilite Flower Essences
Assists in the emotional healing process, especially regarding a critical life threatening illness, accident or
operation. Instills the will to live, regain stamina and consciousness and cope with hardships in life.
1 ounce/30 ml bottle = $15.95 Wellness/Recovery
2 ounce/60 ml bottle = $29.95 Wellness/Recovery
4 ounce/120 ml bottle = $52.95 Wellness/Recovery
Bach's RESCUE REMEDY R Flower Essences
In the early 1930's the noted British physician Dr. Edward Bach discovered that patient stress, if left
unresolved, inevitably leads to physical disorder.
Determined to avoid the use of harmful medications, Bach searched for and found a safe, gentle and effective
way to relieve stress.
Rescue Remedy helps produce positive, calming, stabilizing effects in a wide range
of stressful situations.
Great for People and Animals.
Directions: Add 4-6 drops to drinking water, carrot, sugar cube or apple or dilute as above and syringe
into mouth. If symptoms persist, seek appropriate medical attention.
Active Ingredients: 5X dilution of the combined flowers of Helianthemum nummularium HPUS, Clematis vitalba
HPUS, Impatens gladulifera HPUS, Prunus cerasifera HPUS, Ornithogalum umbellatum HPUS.
ITEM No. 124 RRemedy Size: 10 ml dropper (.0354 fluid ounces) $10.49 plus freight
ITEM No. 125 RRemedy Size: 20 ml dropper fluid ounces) $15.95 plus freight
ITEM No. 126 RRemedy Size: 20 ml spray top fluid ounces) $17.49 plus freight
ITEM No. 127 RRemedy Cream Size: 50 gram tube $13.99 plus freight
ITEM No. 128 Rescue Remedy Sleep Size: 7 ml fluid ounces $10.95 plus freight
ITEM No. 129 Bach's Individual Flower Essences Size: 20 ml fluid ounces $14.95 plus freight
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In the early 1930's the noted British physician Dr. Edward Bach discovered that patient stress, if left
unresolved, inevitably leads to physical disorder.
Determined to avoid the use of harmful medications, Bach searched for and found a safe, gentle and effective
way to relieve stress.
Rescue Remedy helps produce positive, calming, stabilizing effects in a wide range
of stressful situations.
Dr. Bach combined five of the remedies - cherry plum, Clematis,
Impatiens, Rock rose and Star of Bethlehem - into an all-purpose
treatment he called Rescue Remedy. This can be used for shock, illness,
injury or trauma.
Great for People and Animals.
Directions: Add 4-6 drops to drinking water, carrot, sugar cube or apple or dilute as above and syringe
into mouth. If symptoms persist, seek appropriate medical attention.
Active Ingredients: 5X dilution of the combined flowers of Helianthemum nummularium HPUS, Clematis vitalba
HPUS, Impatens gladulifera HPUS, Prunus cerasifera HPUS, Ornithogalum umbellatum HPUS.
ITEM No. 124 Size: 10 ml (.0354 fluid ounces) $14.14 plus freight
About Dr. Bach and Flower Essence Remedies.
How do They Work?
The principle behind Bach Flower Essence remedies is holistic. It is believed that
every illness occurs because of an inner imbalance. Dr Bach's theory
was that by working on this inner imbalance and healing a patient's
anxiety, depression, bitterness or resentment, then the physical
symptoms associated with the problem would disappear.
"Disease is in essence the result of conflict between soul and min-
so long as our souls and personalities are in harmony all is joy and
peace, happiness and health. It is when our personalities are led
astray from the path laid down by the soul, either by our own worldly
desires, or by the persuasion of others, that a conflict arises."
Dr. Edward Bach
Who Can They Help?
The remedies are chosen according to psychological and emotional
symptoms. They can also help physical ailments. It is said that
anyone can benefit from them and that they are safe providing
orthodox treatment is not ignored if it is necessary.
Using Bach Remedies
Dr Bach intended the remedies to be simple enough for anyone to use.
When choosing the remedies a patient should try to examine as honestly
as possible their mental and emotional state, their personality,
attitudes and behaviors. It is advised that the patient should not
use more than five remedies at a time. Finding the right remedies may
be difficult, the patient may wish to visit a therapist for advice, or
experiment with the remedies until they find those which help.
Bach remedies come in a concentrated form that must be diluted with
spring water. The concentrated remedies last indefinitely if kept in a
cool dark place. Once diluted they need to be used within about three
weeks. They can be bought from health food and natural medicine shops.
Methods of Dosage
These suggestions are from the standard directions.
To prepare, take about two drops from the stock bottle into a small bottle nearly filled with spring or distilled
water; if this is required to keep for some time, add some preservative,
brandy works best for flower essences. Use a teaspoon of brandy for a 10 ml to 30 ml bottle.
This bottle is used for giving doses, and but a few drops (2 or 3) of this, taken in a little water, milk, or any
way convenient, is all that is necessary, on a treat that won't soak it
up too quickly. Idea is for it to be absorbed on the gums, tongue, lips.
In urgent cases the doses may be given every few minutes, until there is improvement; in severe cases about half-hourly;
and in long-standing cases every two or three hours, or more often or less as the person feels the need.
In those unconscious, moisten the lips frequently. [The temples and the area slightly below the ears and behind
the jaws are OK too]
Whenever there is pain, stiffness, inflammation, or any local trouble, a lotion [can] be applied in addition. Take
a few drops from the medicine bottle in a bowl of water and soak a piece of cloth in this and cover the affected
part; this can be kept moist from time to time, as necessary.
Sponging or bathing in water with a few drops of the remedies added may at times be useful.
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