Founder & Laminitis- Equine Solutions Catalog
This page is to help people and their horses
find the right nutritional support to
help them help their horses.
With founder, laminitis, insulin resistance (diabetes in horses).
Acute Laminitis/Founder
Chronic Laminitis/Founder
Edema issues, belly and enlarged sheath on gelding.
enlarged mammory on mares.
Products that I have used with success.
Most vets are not educated in using natural supplements for IR issues
so this is my "journey and experience".
see articles at this page bottom about feeding - TIMOTHY PELLTES -Beet Pulp,
- Rice Bran & - Flax
There are some specific products that can help you maintain
your horse with IR and laminitis/founder issues both accute and chronic.
Due to Regulations now on drugs and natural supplements,
you will need to email me
for specific product recommendations.
I would like to also offer my feeding recommendations
that I use: Timothy
Pellets Also I understand Coolstance is good
if you prefer a premixed feed.
See my economical my own special feed
I make up (see below).
Find my recipe below.
I also soaked my grass hay for my
two mares to reduce the sugar/carbs in it. My
gelding turned out to not need that done.
Low non-structural carbohydrate formula
No molasses
No grain
Complete mineral/vitamin fortification
Chelated trace minerals for superior absorption
High levels of antioxidants
Non-Structural Carbohydrate 11% maximum, 8% minumum
For more information on carbohydrate intolerance and insulin resistance, visit
This is OUR STORY and EXPERIENCE with Founder due to Insulin Resistance
My Personal Testimonial: I used Pro Bi, A Digestive Supplement ABC PLUS, HOOF,
on 3 of my 10 horses (ages 15, 16, 17 - 2 Arab full sister mares and one unrelated to the sisters, Arab gelding)
that foundered April and May of 2005 on straight alfalfa due
to being Insulin Resistant (they had signs of insulin resistance prior, much overweight, cresty necks,
And my gelding had a very heavy huge sheath with edema the size of a football)
- very successfully and highly recommend them. Also recommended to put out Free Choice
the Free Choice Stress System which includes A Detoxing supplement called MOP. They all eat lots
of the A Mix, BVC Mix, some Ts Mix, some Detox/MOP, and lots of the Calcium:Phosphorous Mineral
which is Rushcreek Mineral and a little of the Redmond Salt.
I did use BUTE on the two sisters beginning June 2005.
In Jan 24th 2006 had the trimmer out and one sister Sha Mara started having a founder
attack, very hot feet, trimming was very difficult on both of them with hot feet, they were down
to 1 bute daily so he suggested I put her on 2 - 2 times daily again which I started on the 30th in the evening.
She went down on Feb 4th and by Sunday 5th she had been down for 14 hours. From there she got up
and I found blood in her urine. Took her off the bute.
Started her on Penecillian, temp at 101.5. Continued
the Penecillian and added Genemician for 9 days. She finally got to the point where she didn't get up at all
for 7 days. I did start giving her Banamine once a day for pain which helped her to get up. She finally got up
and then didn't get up again for 8 days. We had her on 2 weeks of the Sulfer Antiobiotics before her
UTI was finally gone. Should have used it in the first place.
At one time in the first week of bloody urine it was so red and thick and bubbly,
it was very scarry.
Her sister remained on 1 bute daily, but she only got 1 banamine daily. March 20th was 7
wks of IR supplement on the gelding and the other sister mare. I took the UTI mare off the IR supplement at
Gabrielle's recommendation till it was all over. By March 25th the UTI was gone and she was in to recovering
slowly. I finally took the other sister off the 1 bute daily April 06. No other pain meds except
for the occassional Bayer Aspirin 10 to 12 tabs, 2 to 3 times daily was ever used on the other mare
and Banamine on the day of trimming to make sure she could stand well enough.
The UTI mare only got Banamine occassionally for trimming. They are both not on any pain
meds except for day of trimming with one dose of Banamine 3 hours before since end of April 06.
When they re-foundered on the "other product" 2nd wk of April till last wk of April, they got
Banamine once daily to get them through a few times. The UTI sister did have a huge size
of a plate open pressure wound down to the hip bone that we have successfully healed with skin
hair and muscle tissue again, but it took till now end of NOV 06. So it can be done!
I didn't start them on the IR supplement (Product A System from Gabriele) until Sept 2005 once I learned about
The two full sister mares still had hot feet. My Arab Gelding had already
come out of it on his own and the only thing I changed in their diet was I took everyone
off the 1 cup a day of whole soaked oats mixed into their beet pulp feed mix
(BP, Alfalfa pellets, flaxseeds, ACV, Ricebran, garlic and hot water).
But my Gelding still had a cresty neck and a huge sheath with edema so I felt
the IR supplement (Product A system) should be used on him to see if we could get some of the excess
weight off him and a wonderful surprise, his sheath has now gone down to a very
normal size and he is running around almost like he used too. He is still chubby some. Oct 2006.
The two sister mares had lost lots of weight and were too thin, very ribby from the pain in their feet.
Since the IR supplement (Product A System) recommended to me works with
the ABC product line whom I've been using since 1990 I felt it was my best option as I already
loved and agreed with the ABC product line. It took 7 to 8 wks to see my two girls
(full Arab sisters) walking around again normally and even a little bit of trotting.
On June 5th, 2006 I switched to another product on the market highly recommended (Product B from Dr. Kelley)
to save some $ as Product A System was very expensive and especially on 3 horses, and had them all 3 go backwards
within 1 1/2 wks time to full blown founder again, very hot feet. Mistake!
So I kept them on it for lack of anything else to give them, until
I recieved my new order of the original IR supplement and Prebiotic (Product A System) June 26th, 2006.
I put them all on 3 doses daily. My gelding came out of it first in 6 wks and
my two sister mares came out of it finally about 10 to 12 wks. Took them longer this time.
I cut my gelding back to 1 dose daily but he experienced some soreness
in one hoof after trimming a couple of times I decided to bring him up to 2 doses daily
and that is working beautifully. He is jumping up in the air, and running around pretty much like he used to.
He's 19 years old Arab gelding.
I also have my 2 Arab girls 16 & 17 now, on 2 doses daily and they
continue to straighten up on their front end and walk faster again. I hope to see
them back to where they were before I tried a different product.
It's also very important to find a "barefoot horse trimmer" who
can properly trim every 4 to 6 wks to relieve the pressure in the feet
while they are healing. I use HOOF for growing healthy new hooves inside and out
and they wear Old Mac's and or Cavallo's 24/7 until their feet are good enough again to be barefoot.
The severity of my two sister mares was massive. One had both her
coffin bones exposed for sometime, first one and then the other by the next trimming.
I kept boots on them and SUGARDINE - 7% idoine and
white sugar or iodine and epsoms salts in some DAVIS Soaker Boots constantly
and then switched them to Old Macs' and then Cavallo's to keep bacteria
from getting into the cavities in their soles as the new soles were growing
and I managed through all this to keep any infection from getting started in
their feet - even with exposed coffin bones. The one with the exposed
coffin bones was the first one to begin walking all the way down her
250' long pen and back a couple times a day and then even trotting some
before I did the big error of trying a different product that sent them backwards.
The other sister actually went down for almost 3 wks with a UTI that with lots
of tough work got her through and she even began to walk with her sister some.
I also soaked my local (orchard grass and pasture mix) grass hay that still had tiny bits of alfalfa in it,
once per day that fed the two girls evening meal that day and then morning meal the next day
in cold water in a big black garbage can. It was a pretty dark tea color when I poured it off
what was left after draining from the bottom several hours. I have finally for winter stopped soaking
the hay with the freezing temps it doesn't work for me outside.
My Gelding,
I never did soak his hay and he has been good with that. I will probably resume
soaking 1st cutting hay when I get my first load of hay in June next year for the girls.
Depends on how my "gut feelings" are about it and how the two girls are doing then.
(Actually, I never did resume soaking hay, I found it wasn't really all that necessary,
as long as you are using the IR supplement to help pull out the sugar from their feed and help balance the hormones)
I would say, for sure, you need the supplement. Just dietary control is not enough! At some point
it is possible your horse will exhibit signs that it no longer is IR. It took my gelding 5 years.
I still couldn't afford to maintain my horses on the (Product A System) just too expensive.
So I did change to the ABC Cushings Supplement after talking extensively with
Kendra Helfter, she was such a great help to understanding the IR products and what they do.
I do wish I had originally started out with the ABC Cushings supp rather than (Product A System)
because it works as well, and after recalling I think it works best, and is more affordable.
I hope my information and experience with my 3 Arab horses helps you.
Any of the desert breeds, Arab, Qtr Horse, Draft Horses, Mustang watch them closely, and prevent with a low carb
Vickie Stevens
by the can heal up even down to the bone plate size pressure wounds to very minimal scaring and no wrapping.
Spray 2 or 3 times daily with DVM's Tea-Pro Spray. Naturally sloughs off proud flesh growth and
harm the the new flesh growth which you can watch as it begins to close the wound and you can watch the new flesh
fill in.
It's awesome! Anywhere on the body! I can't recommend it enough.
Need a barefoot horse trimmer? Click Here
I use these boots to help with sore feet 24/7.
Get your Riding BOOTS on!
See NEW $119.95/pr Simple Boots by Cavallo for barefooters -
laminitis/founder/navicular, trail riding, trailering, breeding safety...
Great BOOTS. you can get them from USA or Cavallo in Canada.
Great Article by Pete Ramey -- Horse Boots and Pads: A True
Breakthrough In Healing
I highly recommend his books and videos!
Pete Ramey's Website! Awesome!
My story with my 2 full sister mares (15 and 16) and 1 unrelated gelding 17:
I used to feed, 1/2 and 1/2 grass/alfalfa
hay for years, some grass pasture, and once a day 1 qt of dry cob (corn, oats,barley) and or
2 -1 at scoops hydrated beet pulp with cob and digestive supps.
My 2 mares
with each successive year from about 2002 they were progressively
showing wt gain and then some cresty neck increasing as of 2004 and then
2005 Apr and May they foundered on 2 months of straight alfalfa
(which I wound up feeding each spring as my hay guy ran out of
his last season's hay before cutting in June-I had been doing this for
years with no problems and normally feeding 1/2 and 1/2 to 11 horses
of all ages and gender). So NOTE it is ok until it's NOT OK (when you have a founder episode is too late)
Prevention, Prevention, Prevention
Krystal and Sha Mara 2004 (full sister Arabian Mares before they foundered in 05)
Sha Mara headed to meet with her sister Krystal after 2 weeks down with UTI and bloody urine kidney issue from
the Bute April 2006 her 2nd founder 1 year later. (bad advise from the farrier to give her more bute after I had
weaned her off)
Pic 2- Krystal in 2006 with her boots on front feet after 2nd founder 1 year later, she foundered down to the bone
spring April 2006
Pic 3- Sha Mara 2008 with arthritic knee (big knot of calcification) that came up after her two weeks down with
the UTI.
The founder episodes and residual effects compromised their health and shortened both their lives, Krystal passed
at age 20, Sha Mara passed at age 22.
General - Arabian Gelding 17 y.o.
My gelding also I noticed since 2002 his sheath had been growing in size.
Later I found out this was edema. It was very heavy and uncomfortable for him but
not sore to be touched. It became the size of a foot ball!
My vet said more salt or steroids, could be kidney issues. She also cleaned out his sheath
which was a good thing to do but there was no benefit in regards to reducing any edema.
I put out more redmond salt free choice and white salt block and even added some
homeopathic for swelling which didn't seem to help much.
After his 2nd founder in 2006 I put him on the ABC Cushings Supplement which WORKED!
What I wasn't expecting with the IR product was his sheath went down
to about 1/3 to 1/4 the size it had been for so long. Not perfect but so much
better. In a short time he was also running around his paddock again like he used to play.
My 2 mares had foundered much worse than he, but they too were walking
around their 250' paddock 2 or 3 times a day again. I look forward to them
trotting around again in the future.
The thing is "one" never worries too much
about a "fat" horse, you just figure a little less food and more work. It's the skinny,
can't get wt on horses that one usually worries about. But these are the signs
of Insulin Resistance and it's the food they are eating that exacerbates the problem
and leads to eventual founder and laminitis issues (sore, warm or hot feet). It's basically "diabetes"
in horses.
I only used bute until I was able to acquire the IR products 6 months later.
I actually had one full sister mare go down with a Urinary Tract Infection, fever and bloody urine,
probably from using the bute for 6 months. It took 2 rounds of sulfer antiob. to get rid of it
and about 2 months of intense care. She was very sick. The other full sister mare did fine
on the bute, so you just never know. I recommend using a flax based liquid, devils claw, white willow bark etc.
in place of bute for pain unless their feet are massively hot. and I recommend using the boots also.
Vickie Stevens My Fine
So Bottom Line - My 3 Horses are on the ABC
Cushings IR supplement, the Probi, The Free Choice Stress System
(important that they have the FC Stress System no matter which IR you use)
and "My Special Feed Mix" see below (you can use
the cold pelleted PLUS Digestive
for your top dress/digestive supp.)
Selenium/Vit E, (be sure to check with
your local county extension office to find out if your area is high or low in selenium)
We also have a natural Vit E supplement if your area/hay is high in selenium)
Humic Shale Ore.
(I don't have access to anymore but it is in the ABC Plus products)
are mixed into my special feed mix, and
GRASS HAY - (little as in 5% or less Alfalfa or NO Alfalfa is better)
No Molasses, no carrots. Apples can be ok in small amts. Carrots ok too as in 1.
After about 5 years on the IR supplement (ABC Cushings Supplement) he started loosing more weight and becoming
under weight,
and after consulting with Mr. Helfter of ABC,
we determined he was no longer IR and I weaned him off the product. This is him in 2014 at 27. He still runs around
As you can see his weight is normal for 27 and his sheath is totally normal and has been since a year after he
was put on the Cushings Supp for IR issues and laminitis and the
eventual disappearence of his belly and sheath edema was a bonus and a surprise as not even my vet realized it
was due to the IR. She recommended a salt block which he already had one.
Ichthammol - Messy, smelly and downright gross, the drawing salve called ichthammol may not be your first choice
for treating your horse, but you can't beat its versatility and affordability.
The sticky ointment, a derivative of coal tar, reduces inflammation, draws out infection, kills germs and soothes
pain. Mar 10, 2017
What is another name for drawing salve?
Ichthyol Salve
Black ointment, or Ichthyol Salve, also called Drawing Salve, has been traditionally used to treat minor skin
such as sebaceous cysts, boils, ingrown toenails and splinters. The main ingredients are often ichthammol, phenyl
or Arnica montana, and may contain herbs such as echinacea or calendula.
Salve - › wiki › Salve
I've used this on foundered absessed hooves. But I found Sugardine to be the very best at pulling absesses.
Make up a paste of white sugar and iodine or betadine. Pack into the hoof, put a maxi sanitary pad over that from
toe to heel
to help keep it from squiriting out the heel, and tape tape tape over and around etc with strong grade of duct
tape or gorilla tape,
covering heel and toe and sides etc..thick enough to withstand 3 days of walking around before the hoof wall cuts
thru to the ground.
Change every 3 days until the absesses are gone. Works awesome!
TAKE ME BACK "Catalogs":
**** Email me (Vickie Stevens of My Fine for more info
before ordering anything so we can discuss your case
Your source for Effective Nutritional Support.
Digestive Supplements to increase absorption of nutrients consumed!
1) Always focus on the cause of a disease or problem, not the symptom.
2) Refrain from Research and Development involved in symptom relief.
3) We believe most poor health problems in animals are due to a nutritional deficiency caused by the confinement of animals, thereby limiting their access to a variety of nutritional ingredients.
4) Often improvement in health can be dramatic when furnishing a balanced diet or adding nutrients that are lacking in the animal's diet. Not unlike giving food to a starving animal, this creates a dramatic improvement in health. This mode of nutritionally assisting animals must not be confused with drug therapy or medicine. We do not prescribe replacing the body's own mode of action through supplementation with synthetic chemicals and artificial components. We supply the body with what it needs to repair itself.
5) We do not prescribe the use of poisons or mega doses of single nutrients to enhance performance.
*This catalog and all the statements within have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Highly recommended for Horse's with "bad feet"
HOOF (hoof specific
nutrients that work!
you may only need them for 6 months to 9 months
to grow a healthy new hoof.
I top dress this product. Vickie Stevens
Digestive product Fortified with Minerals!
Who should buy ABC's Plus Fortified?
1. Those who can't Free Choice Minerals
2. Those who are traveling and can't take their complete Free Choice System.
Fortified with Vitamins and Minerals for the average horse.
Plus Fortified is a combinatin of Plus (762) and Rush Creek 1:1 Mineral Calcium:Phosphorous(740)
I highly recommend you put out the FC Stress
My horses eat alot of the items in this system.
Note on Free Choice items:
Horses need more credit! It has been incorrectly assumed that horses are identical, and that they have no ability
to sense their nutritional requirements. The only things they've been trusted with are water and salt! Everyone
knows that God did not create any two animals to be exactly alike or to have the exact same needs. Instead, He
created horses to be able to decide what they need, and He's provided the natural resources to fulfill their needs.
All creatures have survived for thousands of years without extra help from science. Let's keep it simple and give
horses the freedom to choose. (Free Choice Research Data available upon request.)
Product Disclaimer: It is the responsibility of the customers that their specific use of any products from ABC
does not infringe on local laws, regulative patents or other third party rights. This information has not been
evaluated by the FDA (Food Drug Administration). These products are not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any
medical conditions.
Frequently Asked Questions -
Q. Why are my horses going through so much A-Mix (364) and BVC Mix (732)? Can they overdose?
A. Consumption of minerals will be high without Plus Digestive (762). Horses tend to go rhrough a lot of the Free
Choice Vitamins
and Minerals especially the A-Mix and BVC Mix when our program is first introduced. Other indications include:
in weather (heat wave or cold snap), feeding older feed stuffs (hay or grain), when grass/pasture is lush and high
in nitrates,
hay quality, ubadequate sunlight, inclement weather, animal is under stress (internal or external), poor water
quality, injuries,
or parasites. Horses will only take as much as they need. If their bodies are not deficient, they will not touch
free choice vitamins and minerals.
I also used this Herb - Jiaogulan for blood flow to the feet - you can purchase at
& a special Homeopathic HOOF Spray to help dry up their feet from the inside out,
you can email me about if you want to know how to make it. Also Devils Claw is a great antiinflammatory.
Basically you can get the Equilite
Animotion for both pain and antiinflammatory.
As a hoof pack I used Iodine and Sugar called SUGARDINE my favorite, or Iodine and Epsom salts to draw out the
I feed this mix once daily. If I have a horse that
needs supplements twice daily I'll hold out one dog food scoop full
for next morning feeding.
Click the link.
and Cavallo Simple Boots a big help for sore soles.
Great Article by Pete Ramey -- Horse Boots and Pads: A True Breakthrough
In Healing
I highly recommend his books and videos!
Product Disclaimer: FDA regulations require this disclaimer.
It is the responsibility of the customers that their specific use of any products from all
Manufacturers on this website, does not infringe on local laws, regulative patents or other third party rights.
This information has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration).
These products are not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any medical conditions.
The Many Benefits of Flaxseeds a FREE article
By Jennifer Gruenemay, LifeScript Staff Writer
Flaxseeds have a long history of medicinal use, being traced back to the ancient Babylonians who dwelled
over 5,000 years ago. The earliest mention of flaxseeds in recorded history occurred in 650 B.C. when
Hippocrates wrote about the benefits of flaxseeds for easing abdominal pains. Today, these seeds are cultivated
both for use in the textile industry and as a nutritional aide. Nutritionally speaking, flaxseeds are known to
a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and lignans, both of which have demonstrated the power to combat
heart disease and certain types of cancer.
Why Flaxseed is Good for You
As a natural source of fiber and one of the easiest ways to supplement your diet essential fatty acids, flaxseeds
are becoming a pantry staple in many health-conscious consumers’ homes.
One of the greatest benefits of flaxseeds and flaxseed oil is that they are a good source of omega-3s, which
is a type of essential fatty acid.
The key word to remember here is “essential,” which means that the body is incapable of producing this
compound on its own.
Therefore, it must rely on dietary intake to receive proper amounts of this health-promoting nutrient.
Proper intake of omega 3 fatty acids is essential to good health.
Unfortunately, the typical American diet, which is low in fish and rarely includes flaxseeds, does not
provide sufficient amounts of this essential fat, making supplementation almost mandatory.
Will you notice a difference in your health if you do not get enough omega 3s in your diet?
It’s possible, since dry skin, hair and nails are all signs of an omega 3 deficiency.
What you may not notice due to a lack of essential omega 3 fatty acids in your diet is what is even more
important – the health of your heart.
Proper intake of omega 3s, which can easily be achieved by eating more fatty fish and flaxseeds, has been
shown to lower both cholesterol and blood pressure, which helps to protect against heart disease.
Since heart disease is currently ranked as the #1 killer of both men and women in the U.S., eating more
flaxseeds and fatty fish would be an intelligent preventative measure to take against this deadly killer.
More Benefits of Flaxseeds
Not only do flaxseeds provide heart-healthy omega 3s, but they also are a rich source of lignans,
a specialized type of fiber.
Lignans have phytochemical-like properties that may fight colon, prostate, breast, and
skin cancers, as well as ease some of the symptoms of menopause.
Flaxseeds are the most abundant source of lignans, boasting up to 800 times more than other foods.
Flaxseeds have also been found to:
- Have anti-inflammatory properties that may be useful in the treatment of lupus and gout.
- Dissolve gallstones.
- Strengthen and fortify hair, nail and skin, as well as speed the healing of skin lesions.
- Help clear up acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and even help heal sunburns more quickly.
- Facilitate nerve impulses, which may prove to be useful in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy,
Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
- Relieve constipation and diverticulosis.
- Regulate mood and decrease the tendency toward depression.
If you want to start experiencing the many benefits of flaxseeds, take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil
a day and sprinkle flaxseeds on your yogurt and salads.
Make sure to keep flaxseed oil cold and stored in an opaque container to avoid damage from light and heat.
Do not cook with flaxseeds, since heat destroys their beneficial effect.
Some people are allergic to flaxseeds, so if you have a tendency toward food allergies, please use
caution if trying flaxseeds for the first time.
More Benefits of Flax
What is flax?
Flax is one of the most ancient of useful herbs. Its Latin name, Linum usitatissimum, means "most useful."
Flaxseed excavated from ancient Greek archeological sites has been dated back to 1900 to 1700 B.C., and
the use of flaxseed is inscribed on tablets at Pylos. Both the Greek historian Thucydides and the Roman Pliny
mention the use of flax for food. In fact, so impressed with this gift of nature Pliny wrote, "What department
is to be found in active life in which flax is not employed?" Of flax Bartholomew had this to say, "None
is so needfull to so many dyurrse uses to mankynde as is the flexe." And Dioscorides extolled flaxseed's
power for "mollifying all inflammation inwardly and outwardly." Hippocrates encouraged the use of flaxseed
for the relief of abdominal pains, while Theophrastus recommended flax mucilage as a cough remedy.
Hildegarde of Bingen used flax meal in hot compresses for the treatment of both external and internal ailments.
The value of flax to these early cultures is reflected in the rich folklore that surrounds the plant. Flax was
to be a blessed plant; one that could bring good fortune and restore health. French leader Charlemagne, so
impressed with the herb's culinary, medicinal, and domestic usefulness, passed laws and regulations requiring
its cultivation and consumption. Flax was much loved and widely cultivated throughout Europe after that,
and its cultivation and use continued to expand to other lands and cultures.
Studies by competent multi-degreed scientists have shown beyond any reasonable doubt
that consuming garlic
generally has the following physical effects:
Garlic lowers blood pressure a little.
Garlic lowers LDL Cholesterol a little.
Garlic helps reduce atherosclerotic buildup (plaque) within the arterial system. One recent study shows this effect
to be greater in women than men.
Garlic lowers or helps to regulate blood sugar.
Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of strokes and thromboses (It may
be good for hemophiliacs).
Garlic helps to prevent cancer, especially of the digestive system, prevents certain tumors from growing larger
and reduces the size of certain tumors.
Garlic helps to remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body.
Raw Garlic is a potent natural antibiotic and, while far less strong than modern antibiotics, can still kill some
strains of bacteria that have become immune or resistant to modern antibiotics.
Garlic has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.
Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections due to Candida species.
Garlic has anti-oxidant properties and is a source of selenium.
Garlic probably has other benefits as well.
The health benefits of garlic
Garlic is one of the oldest known medicinal plants, and it's been credited with fighting
heart disease,
lowering blood pressure and helping to fight off colds. Michele Simmons reports
The therapeutic qualities of garlic are nothing new. Sanskrit records reveal that garlic remedies were pressed
into service in India 5,000 years ago, while Chinese medicine has recognised garlic's powers for over 3,000 years.
Even Louis Pasteur, who discovered penicillin, recognised the anti-bacterial powers of garlic back in 1858.
And during World War One surgeons regularly used garlic juice to stop wounds turning septic.
So, what is it about garlic that makes it such a boon to our health? When cloves are chewed, crushed or cut, they
release a sulphur-bearing compound called allicin - the chemical that gives garlic its pungent taste and smell.
it's the allicin that scientists have discovered is the magic ingredient thought to be responsible for garlic's
therapeutic qualities.
Garlic - helping your health
Most of the modern research on garlic has concentrated on its ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure as
well as offering protection against strokes and heart disease. For example, when the Journal of the Royal College
of Physicians reviewed data on cholesterol in 1993, it found that after just four weeks there was a 12 per cent
reduction in cholesterol levels in the research groups that had taken garlic.
Scientists have also looked at the role garlic plays in helping prevent the formation of blood clots. A review
of recent clinical trials, published in the Journal of Hypertension, showed that taking garlic tablets cut volunteers'
blood pressure by between one and five per cent. These results led the report's authors to conclude that taking
supplements could cut the incidence of stroke by anything from 30-40 per cent, while heart disease could be reduced
by 20-25 percent.
While garlic is gathering a reputation for helping to maintain a healthy heart, regular amounts of garlic seems
to also
help the body fight off infections. These antibacterial effects were first discovered in the early 19th century
during an
outbreak of infectious fever - English priests caught the fever but the French priests, who ate garlic every day,
remained healthy. However, you don't need to suffer with a fever to benefit from garlic's health enhancing properties.
Also. None of my horses have ever had a tick of any kind on them and no one has ever had breathing issues or
allergies at any age.
And no one has ever been anemic as some studies suggest. And the knats don't even hang around much less bother
any one's ears.
I only feed 1 teaspoon per horse until summer when it's hot I will feed 2 or 3 teaspoons per horse depending on
what the year is like.
Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Imagine what it can do for your horse.
Apple Cider Vinegar benefits have been known for thousands of years. Produced from the fermentation
of apples,
it has been used as an antiseptic and a naturally occurring antibiotic and Hippocrates
used it extensively on his patients.
Apple Cider Vinegar was known to the Ancient Greeks and Romans for its medicinal benefits, for disinfecting
wounds and for insect bites and snake bites and it's also mentioned in the Bible as an antiseptic and healing agent.
Apple Cider Vinegar contains over 90 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other compounds:
lactic acid, amino acids, propionic acid, acetic acid, enzymes, potash and apple pectin Trace elements / Minerals
- Phosphorous, calcium, sodium, fluorine, silicon, potassium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, chlorine and copper Vitamins
- A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, Provitamin beta-carotene and Bioflavonoids
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" (the dentist too!) - is an oft quotation which should not be considered
as just an obsolete "Old Wives Tale", as there is more than meets the eye in these axioms of yore. Apples
among the most health-giving fruits available as they contain a host of nutritious properties viz: Phosphorous,
Cholerine, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulphur, Iron, Fluorine, Silicon, plus many trace elements .......
and all of these are found in PURE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.
Amongst other things, cider vinegar is very effective in detoxicating various organs in the
body together with the
blood stream. Hence it is a purifier, as it has a means of breaking down fatty, mucous and phlegm deposits
within the
body. It therefore, promotes the health of the vital organs of the body e.g. kidneys, bladder,
liver etc., by preventing
an excessively alkaline urine. Cider vinegar also helps oxidate the blood which consequently prevents the
blood from
becoming too thick and gluey, which gives rise to a strained heart and blood vessels resulting in high blood pressure.
Cider vinegar also promotes digestion, assimilation and elimination and it neutralizes any toxic substance taken
the body. There have been a number of instances where people who had taken a mixture of cider vinegar and water
before a meal were unaffected by diarrhoea, or digestive upsets, whilst their companions who ate the same meal
Hence the cider vinegar seemed to neutralize the harmful substances in the food eaten.
Apple cider vinegar has a potent supply of potassium which has become so widely acclaimed in the helping of
various complaints including: running nose. Excessive mucous formation, watery eyes, sinus and catarrhal troubles.
Teeth decay and the splitting of finger nails are also signs of potassium deficiency which are remedied by taking
cider vinegar.
Potassium is essential for the normal growth of the body and for the replacement of worn-out tissues which depend
the presence of this mineral. It is as important to the soft tissues, as calcium is to the bones and teeth and
it also retards
the hardening of the blood vessels.
As potassium is so important in the healthy growth of a plant, animal and human, a deficiency of this mineral will
produce such tendencies as callous formations on the soles of the feet, or the failure to replace worn-out tissues
as observed in the loss of hair.
Tests have proven that a soil deficient in this mineral-salt will produce anaemic and undersized plants,
however, when potassium is introduced into the soil the plant becomes sturdier and increases in height.
This is also the case with animals, where potassium which was fed to livestock, in the form of cider vinegar,
improved their appearance and stamina. Humans too, can benefit with this increased potassium intake. Especially
where children are slow developers and appear undersized. A few teaspoons of cider vinegar taken with water
each morning will show tremendous results. The best way to introduce cider vinegar to the family, is to substitute
for the ordinary table vinegar and use it in the cooking. Potassium acts as a restraining influence upon those
are over-excitable and nervous. It draws fluid back into the cells, for when potassium is lacking the body cells
shrink and their normal activity is restricted.
A number of outstanding authorities have proven the therapeutic advantages of using cider vinegar for
numerous complaints ranging from obesity and overweight to arthritis. Besides the therapeutic benefits derived
taking cider vinegar therapy, as outlined in this book, it can also be used for a number of other purposes e.g.
salad dressing,
pickling, a flavour in cooking etc. It also makes a very refreshing drink, hot or cold, with or without honey -
should take the place of normal tea and coffee which are so habit-forming and unnecessary commodities.
Try using cider vinegar where lemon juice is required e.g. in making mayonnaise, or just sprinkle some
on a salad before serving; sprinkle on pawpaw for a refreshing breakfast, or just use on potato chips!
When the blood is deficient in some minerals or biochemic salt, ill-health is the outcome e.g. boils break out,
suppurating blisters become apparent, pimples appear on the face etc. It has been found however, that cider
vinegar helps with the cleansing as well as the clotting of the blood. Oxidation of the blood is very important
cider vinegar is again an effective treatment for this. Besides introducing the important minerals into the blood
as mentioned above, cider vinegar also helps in the clotting of blood. This is of tremendous help to those people
who are commonly termed 'bleeders', as they live their lives in fear of cutting themselves due to the bloods inability
to clot, and it will also enhance the healing process.
Use the cider vinegar and honey treatment for arthritis and also apply cider vinegar externally to painful joints.
This entails drinking a glass of water with two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey three times
a day.
Local treatment can also be given by soaking the arthritic hand, or foot in a strong, comfortably hot solution
cider vinegar for ten minutes, two or three times a day - (a quarter of a cup of cider vinegar to one and a half
cups of water).
Arthritic knees can beattended
to by making a poultice - soak the cloth in a mixture of cider vinegar and water, (as per above mixture) wring
and wrap it around the joint, then secure with a dry cloth to retain heat. When the wet cloth cools, it should
be wrung
out in the hot solution and applied afresh. Repeat several times, twice daily.
One tablespoonful of cider vinegar added to a glass of water should be taken in sips for half an hour. After a
half an hour has elapsed the treatment should be repeated. The wheezing should lessen in intensity quite considerably.
However, should wheezing still persist a second glass of the same mixture should be taken. Deep breathing exercises
are also a beneficial treatment.
It has been discussed above how cider vinegar helps in preventing blood losses. In any circumstances where the
flow of
blood is too free and is too persistent, such as when a person has a nose bleed without any apparent reason, then
two teaspoons
of cider vinegar in a glass of water, three times a day will aid in restoring the natural clotting properties of
the blood.
The cider vinegar and honey treatment has been used effectively in the treatment for colitis. Take the
normal dosage of two
teaspoons cider vinegar and honey with water, three times a day. An enema of a teaspoonful or more
of molasses is also very helpful.
There are many types of coughs for various reasons, and these should be treated with reference to their nature
intensity. However, the cider vinegar and honey treatment will prove an efficacious treatment in this respect.
Two teaspoons
of cider vinegar and two of honey mixed with a glassful of water should be taken before meals, or when the irritation
In the evening it would be an idea to have this mixture by your bed so that it can be sipped during the evening
if an attack presents itself.
It has been mentioned above how cider vinegar helps with the digestion, assimilation and elimination of food, and
that it is an antiseptic to the intestines and the whole of the digestive tract. Due to it's healing properties,
diarrhoea can
be controlled in a very short time, (that is unless some serious physical disorder is apparent). The treatment
being, one
teaspoonful of cider vinegar in a glass of water should be taken before and inbetween meals i.e. approximately
six glasses
during the course of the day. It should be noted, however, that diarrhoea is a natural attempt on the part of the
body to
eliminate some poison which is irritating the digestive tract, on no account should any drugs be taken to suppress
healing symptoms - on the other hand the cider vinegar will lessen the intensity, but will allow the natural course
of elimination to take place.
Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar together with two teaspoons of honey in a glass of hot or cold water three
times a
day should help this annoying occurrence quite considerably. However, one should never expect instant results,
as nature
works slowly, yet very effectively. You will notice a lessened intensity whilst you progress.
The treatment for this complaint, which usually occurs during childhood is: one teaspoonful of cider vinegar in
a glass
of water to be taken mid morning and mid afternoon. The discharge should shortly disappear.
Take the usual dosage of cider vinegar and honey in a glassful of water three times a day, with meals. An application
of well
diluted cider vinegar can also be applied to the skin several times daily i.e. oneteaspoonful to half a cup of
water. Under no
circumstances should salt be taken, as this aggravates the eczema condition considerably. There is usually a potassium
deficiency in those people suffering from eczema.
The cider vinegar therapy together with honey is the essential ingredients here. Two teaspoons of each taken in
a glassful
of water, three times a day. This mixture retards the onset of tired and sore eyes which are usually apparent in
later life,
as it supplies them with those vital elements essential to their health and functioning.
Chronic fatigue is a warning that the body needs some attention. Most people suffering from chronic fatigue do
not have
enough good, sound sleep. Either they go to bed too late, or they are one of those people who just need more sleep
than most.
It is better to get as many hours in bed before midnight as possible. To remedy a poor quality sleep, honey is
recommended, as it acts as a sedative to the body. Twenty minutes after the honey has been taken into the mouth
it has been
digested and absorbed into the body. This is because it is a predigested sugar, which has been digested in the
of the honey bee, and therefore requires no effort on the part of the human stomach for digestion. Keep the following
mixture by your bedside to be taken as indicated: three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of honey.
Take two teaspoons of the mixture before retiring. This should induce sound sleep within an hour, if however, you
have been
unable to sleep within this period repeat the dosage.
As mentioned earlier there have been many cases where people who were in the habit of taking cider vinegar regularly
suffer any side effects from food poisoning. The cider vinegar has an antiseptic quality which seems to render
noxious food harmless.
The falling out of hair is primarily due to a tissue salt deficiency, thus cider vinegar with its 'wonder products'
re-establish a natural balance, and supply the deficiencies where needed. Therefore, by taking the cider vinegar
the hair will maintain its natural growth. It will cease to fall out and grow more rapidly and thickly. This will
approximately two months, so perseverence is needed. The dosage is one teaspoonful of cider vinegar to a glass
of water to
be taken with or between meals. Cider vinegar can also be used externally for the treatment of dandruff, see under
heading of External Treatments.
This ailment is marked by watery eyes, sneezing and running nose, in other words there is an excess of fluid which
body is drastically trying to offload. For an effective relief, honey and cider vinegar should be utilized which
will bring
excellent results. A tablespoonful of honey should be taken after each meal for approximately a fortnight before
the onset
of the hay-fever season. The ordinary dosage of cider vinegar and honey should then be taken viz: two teaspoons
of cider vinegar
and two of honey in a glass of water, three times a day. This dosage should be maintained during the entire hay-fever
There are several types of headache, caused by various reasons. Some are associated with organic disorders, such
kidney troubles, others are known as psychogenic, or tension headaches. Then we have the most annoying of all;
the migraine headache. Many people have had relief from headaches by the use of honey. Two teaspoons taken at each
meal may well prevent an attack. Another effective means is to take apple cider vinegar. Equal parts of cider vinegar
water should be placed in a small basin on the stove, allowing it to boil slowly. When the fumes begin to rise
from the basin
lean your head over it until the fumes are comfortably strong. Inhale for approximately 50 to 80 breaths. Generally
alleviates the headache considerably, if not entirely.
(Impaired) The treatment of impaired hearing has had excellent results on the apple cider vinegar therapy. Take
the normal
dosage three times daily and notice the improvement.
This usually occurs after eating, sometimes up to two hours later. This very unpleasant feeling can be alleviated
by taking
the usual dosage of cider vinegar and water before meals.
As previously pointed out cider vinegar helps the blood to clot more easily. When a person who regularly drinks
cider vinegar cuts himself, the wound will dry up almost instantaneously, as there will be no profuse bleeding.
If, however,
wounds do not heal quickly, the following procedure should be undertaken; two teaspoons of cider vinegar taken
in half
or a whole glass of water at mealtimes as well as in between, therefore six glasses in all are imbibed. For extra
a very weak solution of cider vinegar with water can be applied to the sore, wound or cut.
Poultices of cider vinegar (see instructions under the heading Arthritis) can be applied to a stubborn open wound.
These have been known to be eradicated by drinking a teaspoon of cider vinegar neat! Alternatively cider vinegar
water can be taken before mealtimes to prevent this occurrence.
There are a number of reasons why a person suffers from this common yet serious condition. As mentioned earlier,
will be maintained only if one is prepared to adjust his living and eating habits. Cider vinegar is not the cure-ail
of man's
suffering, it is only one of the many means towards a healthier and happier life. In the case of High Blood Pressure,
one's eating habits must be taken stock of to ensure a speedy and effective recovery. Emphasis is on the natural,
organically grown foods which are
given to us in the form of fresh fruits, vegetables and honey - rather than the high protein foods which include
eggs, meat,
milk, cheese, nuts, beans etc. A balance must be maintained between the proteins and carbohydrates and one should
definitely not over indulge on these protein and starchy foods. Wheat products should also be eliminated completely,
together with salt which is very detrimental to the health, especially for those suffering from high blood pressure.
The following dosage should be taken daily: two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water
- up to three to four times a day.
There are also a number of causes as to why people suffer from insomnia; however, there have been excellent results
with the cider vinegar and honey treatment as follows: two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two of honey in a glass
of water
to be taken before retiring. It would also be beneficial to have a glass of this mixture by the bedside to sip
if needed. Under
no circumstances should drugs be resorted to, as these are both harmful and habit-forming. Under severe cases,
a naturopath
or homeopath should be consulted. If has been found that the prime cause of insomnia is due to a deficiency of
of potash and phosphate of iron; this combination can be found in the biochemic salt known as kali phos, which
can be
obtained from your local health shop.
Due to the eliminative nature of cider vinegar, the kidneys and bladder can benefit tremendously by a 'flushing',
they receive when the following cider vinegar therapy is undertaken: two teaspoons of cider vinegar in a glass
of water
six times a day. It would be beneficial to drink a couple of glasses of water in the morning, taking one teaspoonful
cider vinegar in each drink. Comfrey tea, first thing in the morning with a teaspoon of cider vinegar will also
create a
sufficient cleansing action. Inflammation of the kidneys, called pyelitis, in which pus cells are present in the
urine, will
generally clear up with the above-mentioned treatment.
Chronic pains and profuse menstruation has afflicted women for centuries. The cider vinegar therapy certainly regulates
and normalizes profuse bleeding. The dosage should be as normal i.e. two teaspoons of cider vinegar in a glassful
of water
three times a day. The diet should also be taken into consideration, as a high animal protein diet together with
wheat products
will cause considerable pain when the periods begin. In other words moderation should be used if one is partaking
of these
foods. However, meat, poultry, fish and wheat should be completely eliminated from the diet, together with the
unnatural foods of which man is so prone. A noticeable improvement will be experienced when the diet is kept to
the fresh
raw fruits and fresh salads, together with the apple cider vinegar therapy. Also plenty of water should be taken
menstruating, as this helps in a speedy elimination.
Postnasal drips and watery eyes are also due to a faulty diet, here again this should be thoroughly investigated,
as the body is eliminating excessive mucous caused by the wrong types of food. This is often caused by a lack of
potassium in the diet too, hence the cider vinegar therapy will help considerably. The usual dosage as prescribed
above should be taken three times a day before meals. Wheat should be eliminated from the diet completely and
rye and corn products should be substituted, if required.
Brittle, cracking, fragile and thin nails are a sign of some deficiency and faulty metabolism in the body. Cider
vinegar has
been known to remedy this particular complaint, with the results of healthy, strong nails. Also any white spots
were present on the nails previously will be eliminated. Dosage being: two teaspoons in a glassful of water three
times a day.
There have been cases where nervousness has been remedied with the cider vinegar and honey treatment. In this instance
a glassful of water mixed with two teaspoons of each i.e. cider vinegar and honey to be taken three times a day.
flour and sugar products should be completely eliminated from the diet, together with wheat products. One should
cut down on the starch and high protein foods as much as possible and eat plenty of fresh salads and fruit.
As an excessive nose bleed is caused by the blood being unable to clot as it should normally, the cider vinegar
will prove efficacious in this respect i.e. two teaspoons of cider vinegar in a glassful of water three times daily.
In this respect the cider vinegar can be used as an inhalant. Use as per method described under the heading Headaches.
The nasal passages will shortly clear after having inhaled the vapour. This treatment is very effective in removing
congestion in the sinuses, together with any inflammation which may result from this excessive accumulation of
There are a number of reasons why a person is assailed with excessive fat deposits. This is apparent in both sexes
and cannot,
from professional data, be attributed to any one major factor. Obesity, often eventuates from the excessive intake
of alcohol,
thereby causing water retention in the tissues. This is often apparent by the 'swollen' appearance of the face.
There are also
certain drugs which are apt to cause obesity and thus the body increases in weight. Overeating, insufficient oxidation
of the
blood, insufficient exercise, lack of fresh air etc, are also attributed to this ailment. However, Cyril Scott
mentions in his booklet
on cider vinegar that the prime cause of obesity is the insufficient oxidation of the blood, he goes on to say,
"Now the safe and
salubrious treatment, proved over years of trial, is to be found in nothing more complicated than cider vinegar
- the reason being,
as already implied, that the ailment is conductive to the proper oxidation of the blood." Two teaspoons of
cider vinegar should
be taken in a glassful of water on rising in the morning. To obtain the best results possible this should be taken
before each
meal and during the day over a period of some time. Natural methods always take longer to work, as the body has
to adapt itself,
especially the skin in this instance, as if too much weight is lost in a short period of time, then it will hang
and look unsightly.
The drink should be sipped during the course of the meal which will also prevent overeating and it will promote
According to some authorities, the average weight reduction is 1.5 Ibs. a week. This all depends upon whether the
diet has been
adjusted. Salt should be discontinued immediately as this harmful commodity retains water - herbal beverages such
as comfrey
should take the place of tea and coffee. Wholesome, nutritious and MODERATION is the key to weightless, together
with deep breathing and physical exercise.
Cider vinegar relieves the pain arising from shingles if applied, undiluted, six times daily to the area of distress.
It also
promotes the healing. Take internally as well as prescribed above.
To treat this, one should gargle with apple cider vinegar. One teaspoonful of vinegar in a glass of water is the
dosage to be used.
A mouthful of this solution is gargled every hour, and the second mouthful after gargling should be swollowed.
This is to be
repeated every hour until the condition of the throat is improved.
Due to cider vinegar improving the calcium metabolism of the body, it is excellent for improving the condition
of the teeth.
Tartar deposits can also be eradicated by using the cider vinegar as a mouthwash and by brushing your teeth with
it to
enhance the whiteness (see Editor's note below). For the mouthwash, one teaspoonful of cider vinegar should be
added to a
glassful of water - repeat this procedure each night until the required results are achieved (see Editor's note
below). This
habit, together with the drinking of cider vinegar will prevent tooth decay quite considerably. The mouthwash can
also be
used for sore gums, or ulcerated gums - be sure that the solution is not too strong in this case, as it will slightly
sting an
open sore (see Editor's note below).
Editor's note: Brushing your teeth with apple cider vinegar is probably not safe; it may be too acidic for your
tooth enamel.
Using the mixture as a mouthwash should not be a problem for your tooth enamel since it is a very weak mixture,
but you
can rinse your mouth out with plain water afterwards just to be safe. Drinking natural apple cider vinegar mixed
with honey
in a glass full of water for health should be no problem for tooth enamel since you drink it straight down and
because this
is usually done before a meal. But, you can always rinse your mouth out with plain water afterwards just to be
Apply undiluted cider vinegar to the area where the veins are affected. This should be undertaken in the morning
and evening.
Massage well - always directed towards the heart e.g. as in the case of the legs, start from the ankles and move
in upward
strokes towards the thigh. Cider vinegar and honey should also be taken three times a day, i.e. two teaspoons of
cider vinegar and two of honey mixed with a glassful of water.
As cider vinegar supplies those organs of the body which are deficient in some mineral and normalizes the functioning
of these
organs, those who are underweight will find that cider vinegar will help in normalizing their weight. In this instance
following dosage should be adhered to: two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two of honey in a glass of water three
times a day.
(Also see Obesity) Cider vinegar will gradually decrease the weight of the body, as it tends to make the body burn
up the
fat instead of storing it. Some people have had results by just taking the cider vinegar without adjusting their
eating habits.
However, it is recommended that one should concentrate on the LIVE FOODS, rather than continue to live on the
devitalized diet which is so prevalent today. The cider vinegar method, as mentioned under Obesity should be utilized
three times daily.
The skin is a very important part of the body, as it is the major organ of elimination. Besides being an effective
eliminator the skin also absorbs substances into the body. In view of this fact it is very important to understand
that we
should be very careful with what we place on the skin. Unnatural substances such as cosmetics, which contain chemicals
are very detrimental to the skin health. This is also true for the comrnercial soap which we use for washing the
body. The
skin needs an acid mantle to maintain its lustre and glow - however, due to the extreme alkalinity of soap reacting
on the skin,
this causes a number of disorders. Soap also contains animal fats and hormones, synthetic perfumes and preservatives;
therefore, it should not be used to cleanse the body.
However, cider vinegar is an effective method of cleansing the body. A hand bath or a full bath can be taken in
cider vinegar
and water. A hand bath should be preceded as follows: to half a glass of warm water should be added one teaspoonful
of apple
cider vinegar. Cup the palm of the hand and pour in approximately a palmful of the mixture. First apply to the
arms and
shoulders, rubbing the solution into the skin briskly. The legs and feet can be done in the same manner, together
with the body.
A brisk rubbing action should be used to massage the cider vinegar solution into the skin. You will soon find that
the solution
has been completely absorbed by the skin, therefore, no towelling down is needed.
Instead of using soap, add a half pint of apple cider vinegar to the water and remain submerged in the water for
at least
fifteen minutes so that the skin surface of the body may have a chance to absorb some of the acid water. This is
important for those people who have an alkaline skin; this condition will be indicated by those people who continually
from skin irritation, and they are forever scratching their skin.
Take one teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glassful of water - dip your comb into the solution and
comb the
hair thoroughly until saturated. This should be performed fifteen minutes or so before actually washing the hair.
This treatment
also helps with the elimination of dandruff.
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