Horse, Dog, Cat, Livestock, Nosodes, Organic Healthier
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Monthly Newsletter 2020
Here is the ABC Horse Products Specials link if you just want to go straight to all our specials.
Click here to be taken straight to the specials now. Quick Link.
**Also see Diana and Jay at the bottom, Animal Communicator.
This Newsletter Health & Immunity Solutions
Check out the Homeopathic Nosodes catagory for help with
Lyme, West Nile, EPM, Pigeon Fever, Potomac Fever & More, Horses, Dogs, Cats & People too.
What we do to prevent illness, or disease, is called preventative medicine, or prophylaxis.
Homeopathy has a long history of preventative therapy. Picture this. Dr Samuel Hahnemann [1755-1843], MD,
the founder of homeopathy, achieved remarkable results in the prevention and also treatment of a major scarlet
fever epidemic,
a brutal form of ‘strep’ throat, which swept Germany in 1802, just six years after homeopathy’s official discovery.
Hahnemann was also the first physician to emphasise the value of preventative medicine, long before vaccines came
into existence.
He was the first too to formulate the idea that a person attending on a small pox patient acquired lifelong immunity
against the illness.
Not many people would, however, know that Hahnemann was the first physician ever to prepare Hydrophobinum, a homeopathic
made from the saliva of a rabid dog to treat hydrophobia — a condition caused by the bite of a mad dog.
The illness presents itself with a pathological fear of water. He was, in other words, the first medical pioneer
to think of ‘immunisation,’
when Louis Pasteur, the founder of vaccination, was only eight years old.
Following Napoleon’s stunning defeat in Russia, in 1813, withdrawing French troops carried an epidemic of typhus
fever through Europe.
When the epidemic hit Leipzig, Germany, Hahnemann treated 180 cases of typhus. He cured all but two, representing
a 1 per cent mortality rate.
Conventional physicians reported a 30 per cent mortality rate.
In 1854, when cholera broke out in London, the mortality rate for patients under allopathic care was 59 per cent.
The mortality rate for patients under homeopathic care was only 9 per cent.
The influenza pandemic of 1918–1919 is still remembered for its devastating death toll. Considered the worst epidemic
in US history,
with 600,000 people dead, the deadly flu also took away the lives of 30-40 million people worldwide.
The Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy [1921] reported that in Dayton, Ohio, US,
the overall mortality rate of flu patients was 28 per cent, whereas in 26,000 cases of flu treated homoeopathically,
the mortality rate was just 1 per cent.
According to The Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, during the iniquitous outbreak of meningitis
in Brazil, in 1974,
18,640 patients were given the homeopathic nosode [prepared from diseased tissue], Meningococcinum, as a preventative.
Just 4 cases of meningitis were reported in this group. On the contrary, 6,340 people, who formed the control group,
and did not receive any treatment, developed 32 cases. The homeopathic efficacy was evident.
Over 2 million Cuban citizens at high risk in a leptospirosis epidemic, in 2007, were given preventative oral homeopathic
Researchers found that there was a significant decrease in the incidence of leptospirosis in the group that received
preventative homeopathic medicine.
The list is only indicative, not exhaustive.
In the light of homeopathy’s impressive clinical record in preventative care, it is not surprising that some people
think of vaccine therapy
to be somewhat similar to the homeopathic principle — ‘what can cause, can cure.’ In reality, this is just not
the case.
Homeopathy follows the principle of similars. A ‘suitable’ homeopathic medicine that matches the symptom-picture
of the individual or patient,
and not just the illness alone, is given in homeopathy. In vaccine therapy, the same vaccine is given to everyone.
Vaccines, as you’d know, are preparations of a weakened, or killed, micro-organism. They are tested on animals.
They are evidenced to cause several adverse effects, some of them serious.
Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, are tested on healthy human beings [provings]. Homeopathic medicines,
which are given in minute doses,
do not cause, or trigger, side- or toxic effects.
For long, homeopaths have successfully used Anthracinum for anthrax, Pertussin for whooping cough,
Diphtherinum for diphtheria, and so on — much before conventional vaccines came into use.
Quick! Take Me To The Web INFO Pages Homeopathic NOSODES Web INFO pages to see what Nosodes
you should put your horses, dogs, cats on.
Quick! Take Me To The Shopping Cart to Order & Check Out!... Homeopathic
NOSODES catagory left side of cart alphabetical order click the link.
If your horse, dog or cat already has an illness, we have some homeopathic
protocols for them. Just email me to inquire:
Quick! Take Me To The Shopping Cart to Order & Check Out!... Homeopathic
NOSODES catagory left side of cart alphabetical order click the link.
Horse Treatment Protocols. Email me with any questions you have or for a free consult.
Quick! Take Me To The Pigeon Fever Section Shopping Cart to Order & Check Out!...
Quick! Take Me To The Lyme Disease Section Shopping Cart to Order & Check Out!...
Quick! Take Me To The EPM Treatment Section Shopping Cart to Order & Check Out!...
Quick! Take Me To The WEST NILE Treatment Section Shopping Cart to Order & Check Out!...
For about 10 years I managed my little Arab mare Posey who started with Uveitis before I knew what the weepy eyes
about. It went on for several years before having an actual "flare-up" where the lid got really hot and
a cloud appeared
in her eye. (moon blindness some call it). I put her on the Homeopathic Uveitis spray and she didn't have an episode
over a year so I thought she was "cured". She would have 1 in just 1 eye about once a year and then towards
the end
of her life at 36 1/2 she might 2 X's a year. I would give her 10 bayer aspirin crushed up 2 X a day in her food,
and put her
on the Master Jack for Uveitis along with her daily 8 oz of ABC PLUS which she has been on all along to help keep
immune system up to the best possible. During a flare up I would also 2 X daily rub some neosporin or a triple
antiob ointment
equivalent generic brand to keep it from becoming infected during the flare up.
She wore a UV protecting fly mask 24/7 as she had full access to the outdoors
from her shelter. Here is a pic of Posey and her son General, she was 36 and he 26. Her weight and energy was
great on my anti inflammatory diet so I didn't need to add any other immune system support. AND notice she sheds
out by mid June. Vickie S.
Quick! Take Me To The Uveitis Treatment Section Shopping Cart to Order & Check Out!...
Sometimes you just don't know what to do. Where to start. What to ask.
For that reason, Vickie is offering consultations for you ... simply for the price of ordering product. NO extra
She's good at this. It has been her passion for 25+ years and she knows horses, horse health and pets and how to
If you have a horse/pet health issue and want help --- call 509-761-9128 and leave your name,
number and a brief "This is the problem" message. I'll be happy to call you back.
Or email me Here.
Okay ... go see the VIDEO's. See ya there!
If you want to know even more....Click
Here and read more of our journey with IR.
We wish for you all Horses, Dogs, Cats, Livestock and People too, a Healthier and Prosperous
Check Specials.
What is my foundation of health for
all my horses? ABC PLUS/PLUS
Fortified digestive supplement
and Selenium/Vit E since
we are low in selenium here.
From there if someone needs anything to help with joints such as my oldies the
Jeremy's Joint Jolt is amazing
for health and joint support and antiinflammatory.
And if anyone is seeming a bit "punky" the first thing I bring out is the Liquid Target Factors 1 oz daily for 7 days.
Does wonders for the gut and to balance the immune system. Any old horses not drinking enough water...make sure
you have a tank heater and the
ABC IONS is great to help
them drink enough, much lower in sodium than the Ride Rite Electrolytes for hot weather activity.
I like to use ABC PLUS/PLUS Fortified digestive to increase fiber breakdown, keep gut lining healthy,
therefore increasing absorption of all nutrients consumed by up to 3 X's normal (that's up
to 300%) for any one individual.
Thereby getting more out of what you feed them than they would without it. People notice they eat less!
So you don't have to feed them extra food, most even notice it doesn't take as much food to maintain them year
round in proper flesh condition and health.
Maintenance dose 4 oz daily is enough for most, older horses and compromised
will need 8 oz daily preferably 4 oz in 2 meals. And I like to feed timothy pellets, flax seed, rice bran, a little
garlic 1 to 3 teaspoons,
for the immune system, digestion and to keep the ticks off and reduce flies and knats
and many other biting insects, and apple cider vinegar
along with their grass hay (feed quality rectangular bales - round and big squares harbor mold and mildew causing
allergies, asthma, COPD,
uveitis and many other immune system diseases). I only feed my wet food mix with the evening feeding, and I like
to add a few HERBS.
(Chamomile, Hops, c/s Peppermint & Spearmint, Devils Claw, Jiaogulan (gynostemma pentaphyllum), and in April/May
I'll get some c/s Dandelion root and leaf for a good liver detox when Dandelions are in bloom. I get these from
MOP is also a great once
or twice a year safe whole body/liver detox it's always part of my medicinal arsenal along with
the Liquid Probi and Liquid Target Factors and the GUT FLUSH for any kind of colic and a tube of Banamine when needed if horse is not dealing
with the discomfort of colic.
Alfalfa hay is high in protein and sugar/starch and better for production animals than horses.
It's ok, until one day, it's NOT. Ask anyone who over time has got an IR horse with
acute or chronic founder/laminitis.
Hard on their kidneys and may cause diarrhea as well. Clover same way. And Teff hay can vary widely in protein
and sugar from cutting to cutting.
I use ABC NOMS as my dewormer
every other month, especially safe for EPM horses, and
Parasite Tonic liquid 1 to 4 times per year depending on your pastures etc.
I also use Homeopathic NOSODES
as an alternative to vaccines, no worries about negative side effects and they work!
Nothing in life is 100% but it gives me peace of mind and protects.
Let me know if you have any questions I can help you with.
ABC PLUS and FORTIFIED your foundation for over all inside and outside glowing, energetic, calm health!
Designed to preven colic and digestive issues. Made thru a Fermentation Process.
If your horse is having health issues and you have been feeding GMO's you may need to do a few months of our
G.R.P. Glyphosate Remediation Product and then use the PLUS or Fortified.
MY FAV since I first tired it in Sping 1990. Ships UPS. 12.5 lbs 28 days or 25 lbs 100 days sizes
An Alternative is the Smooth Run Products they ship USPS. 1 lb to 4 lbs. 20 to 60 days.
Gastro -- Restores and supports gastrointestinal health, helps reduce possibilities of colic, ulcers, diarreah,
and improves overall nutritional absorption
A nutritional supplement for comprehensive digestive support Smooth Run Gastro helps achieve optimum digestive
particularly in horses with ulcers, diarrhea, metabolic issues, Cushing’s disease and gut-related ailments
such as colic.
NOSODES OR Vaccines? - I recommend Homeopathic Nosodes for prevention,
I've been using them on my horses, dogs, cats since 2005 when I found them,
successfully and am very happy. Safe, effective, causes no harm. Check them out!
Our Best products to help your horses! Issues come up when you aren't expecting them.
I keep on hand 16 oz Liquid Probi, 16 oz Liquid Target Factors, 5 lb MOP,
8 oz Dy's Liquid Bandage
which I carry.
And non sting wound spray Essential Equine Tea-Pro Equine Spray
(formely Tea-Pro Spray formulated by Dr. Eric Witherspoon DVM)
as well as Tea-Pro Derma Cream for Dogs/Cats.
(get these Tea-Pro products locally or on & websites find the PET line
under a different name
(The Dermal Cream for PETS heals up Strep Skin infection that dogs and cats can get and likely other livestock
as well -
Keeps the flies away and sloughs off proud flesh naturally - don't keep cleaning with Hydrogen Peroxide it kills
the new baby skin cells)
ABC PLUS and PLUS Fortified Optimal digestion and gut health leads to Optimal Health everywhere else.
For those who want a powdered product, we do have the SMOOTH RUN digestives.
Not a fermentation product like ABC but superior ground up ingredients! (including Beta Glucan and Colostrum).
ABC IONS to help make sure they drink
enough water.
ABC NOMS to help keep them worm
ABC PROBI, Equine Target Factors, Equine Gut Flush for gut and immune balancing.
Equident for horses with gum
and teeth issues
ALLERGIES/ Breathing Issues - SMOOTH RUN BREATHE along with ABC PLUS or Fortified daily
and a boost of Target Factors, ABC MOP ---> Go Here!
Colostrum for Horses
LYME Disease help Homeopathic
Treatment, Prevention and Supplementation
EPM help Homeopathic Treatment,
Prevention and Supplementation
Contact me.
subject line EPM or Lyme
"The doctor of the future will give little medicine but will interest
his patients in care of the human frame, Read my experience with Kirkland Dog and Cat foods. (sorry the blog was deleted
diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
-Thomas A. Edison
About Insulin Resistance. It is sneaky! You know it sometimes as "my horse is an easy keeper"
or you see the signs but don't know what they mean. And what it can cause is severe "founder"
or laminitis. And a long road to recovery.
Watch this set of videos showing two of our Insulin Resistant horses and learn what to look for,
how to prevent founder caused by it and more.
Insulin Resistance and Founder - (Youtube Video I did)
to treat and feeding to prevent Part 1
Insulin Resistance and Founder - (Youtube Video I did)
How to treat and feeding
to prevent Part II
The specials are still on and the rest of the news letter is still here.
Horse Digestive Health and Feeding the Senior Horse Part I
Here For Part 1
Horse Digestive Health and Feeding the Senior Horse Part II
Click Here For Part
Will have to work on rebuilding it)
Best Regards, Vickie
REX, my first dog. He gave his life for mine - 1958. Saving me as a 3 yr old toddler from a rattle snake in
my grandparent's yard.
He has been my emotional inspiration all along. I have always remembered asking my Mom where is REX?
I remember finally giving up asking. She wouldn't answer me, I know she felt badly. My Dad when I was 45 is the
one who told me.
I knew then, why I do what I do.
We have the lowest prices and the most EFFECTIVE products for theraputic and
daily use I personally have ever used and recommended since 1990. They work! And they are made to work alone and
be synergestic with each other as well.
AND ABC is all ORGANIC and/or GMO free and Wheat free for the health of your BFF furry family.
Is there anything you would like us to include in our Newsletter
Ideas and Suggestions Welcome!
You can click here to send us a note - your email will open a new
window. Or just click "Reply" to this email!
ABC HOOF - .... See
It Now
ABC PLUS - Discounted Prices .... See
It Now
ABC PLUS Fortified - Discounted Prices .... See
It Now
ABC G.R.P. - Discount on 2 Bags .... See
It Now
Free Low Carb Wet Feed Mix Recipe - Safe For All
and Nutritious!
Please go and LIKE our My Fine Equine Facebook Page. We need your support on
Facebook Likes
so we can expand our audience and help more folks like you with their horse health goals. Your "Like"
Please read our MFE Blog! Many helpful articles (sorry my blog was deleted accidentally so will have to rebuild it).
Working on it. LOL I'm not very good at re-building things.
Links to:
Vickie Stevens -- My Fine Equine
In the shopping cart
you will find all these products.
Email me: or Call me 509-761-9128
I look forward to answering any questions you may have.
Many Healthier Blessings!
Vickie, Dozier and Princess
Vickie and Ellie
Looking for a natural bare foot horse trimmer in your area:
Click here-
if you already have my private home line or cell you are welcome to call and text. I'm on Pacific Time and up late!
or EMAIL ME at -- leave your question and call
back number and I will get the answer(s) and call you back.
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