Horse, Dog, Cat, Nosodes
Equine Solutions Catalog Page 22a
(The Holistic Vet Clinic)
These nosodes come from a compounding homeopathic pharmacy and I purchase them from a holistic vet.
Please note: Homeopathic Remedies and Nosodes are not returnable due to FDA regulations.
Nosodes are Homeopathic Immunizations that are given in tiny sugar pill form,
monthly, that have no side effects, and are very effective in disease prevention.
Alternatives to giving Vaccines.
Available for Horses, Dogs and Cats plus there are some treatment protocols available.
Feline combo, Dog Combo - DA2PPLVAC & Bordatella, Heartworm,
Encephalomyelitis-Eastern & Western, Influenza , Tetanus, Equine Rhinopneumonitis, Strangles,
West Nile, Lymes, EPM, Pigeon Fever, Equine Potomac Fever, Equine Herpes, Rabies, all are 30C strength,
Herbal Wormer
Arenus Assure Products for Sand, Daily
Digestive Foregut and Hindgut Health in Horses,
COLIC REMEDIES-Natural,Sand Colic,
Toxic-Free, Non-Toxic, American
Made Products for Body, Bath, Household, Cosmetics, AntiAging Skin Care,
Pure Herbs and Herb Blends for info only
Homeopathic Nosodes - Alternatives to Vaccines
for Equines, Dogs and Cats
Monthly Newsletter Specials
Nosodes are Homeopathic Immunizations that are given in tiny sugar pill form,
monthly, that have no side effects, and are very effective in disease prevention.
Available for Horses, Dogs and Cats plus there are some treatment protocols available.
all are 30C strength
See articles and info below.
For a teleoffice fee you can also get the help of our Holistic Vet if you choose but not necessary
to use any of these protocols.
There are treatment options. Homeopathic Protocol is inexpensive and effective.
Or you can use your local Vet and antiobiotics.
1 dram bottles will last up to 5 horses 1 yr. 2 dram will last up to 10 horses 1. yr.
You can administer the little sugar pills between their lip and gums or you
can make a spray to spray on the gums. To build up the immune system,
Start out 1 time for 3 days in a row,
then 1 time per week for a month and then 1 time a month from there on to
maintain constant built up immune system.
If your horse, dog or cat already has an illness, we have homeopathic
protocols for them. Just email me to inquire:
Equine Combo -- Flu, RH, EW, T 1 dram 2 dram
For Encephalomyelitis-Eastern & Western, Influenza
, Tetanus, Equine Rhinopneumonitis.
Equine encephalitis
Eastern and Western Encephalitis (known as EEE and WEE) are viral infections of the brain and spinal cord in horses
that are transmitted by mosquitoes. Like many infections, EEE and WEE initially cause listlessness, lack of appetite,
and fever, but within a day, a horse with either disease will show neurological signs such as changes in behavior,
incoordination, muscle twitches, and more. What is Encephalitis?
Eastern, Western, and Venezuelan Encephalitis or “sleeping sickness” are viral infections of the brain and spinal
cord in horses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. Eastern Equine Encephalitis or “Triple E” is seen mostly in
the eastern half of the United States, with the majority of the 116 cases reported in 2016 originating from Florida,
Wisconsin, South Carolina, and Louisiana. EEE is the most serious of the three diseases, with a fatality rate of
nearly 90%. As the name suggests, Western Equine Encephalitis or WEE occurs mostly in states west of the Mississippi
and its mortality rate is much lower, near 50%. Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) primarily strikes in Central
and South America; a case has not been reported in the U.S. in 40 years. There are several diseases and conditions
that overlap in their clinical signs with equine encephalitis such as West Nile Virus (WNV), EPM, Equine Herpesvirus-1
(EHV-1), and others.
Strangles 1 dram , 2 dram
West Nile 1 dram , 2 dram
West Nile virus is transmitted through mosquitoes, and can cause encephalitis, or an inflammation of the brain
and spinal cord. The clinical signs of this disease in horses include fever, incoordination and stumbling, weakness,
and more.
Lymes 1 dram , 2 dram
Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection that is spread by the deer tick, or blacklegged tick. It is most prevalent
in New England plus the surrounding states Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia,
as well as the upper Midwest. In horses, clinical signs of Lyme Disease are vague, and can include sporadic or
shifting lameness, swollen joints, fever, a hypersensitivity to being touched, poor performance, and more.
Brief Description
Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi that is spread by the deer tick, or blacklegged
tick. Horses, dogs, humans, and other mammals can all contract Lyme Disease, and it is most prevalent in New England
plus the surrounding states Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia, as well as the upper Midwest
(Wisconsin and Minnesota). It is typically treated with the tetracycline family of antibiotics, including oxytetracycline,
doxycycline, or minocycline. In horses, clinical signs of Lyme Disease are vague -- encompassing many different
systems -- and may include sporadic or shifting lameness, swollen joints, arthritis, stiffness, muscle tenderness/soreness,
muscle atrophy or wasting, chronic weight loss, fever, lethargy, a hypersensitivity to being touched, uveitis (eye
inflammation), hepatitis (liver inflammation), abortion, laminitis, and poor performance. Some horses may demonstrate
neurological signs such as behavioral changes, difficulty swallowing, a head tilt, paresis or weakness, and ataxia
(unable to voluntarily control movement or the gait).
EPM 1 dram , - 2 dram
Pigeon Fever/Dryland Distemper 1 dram, 2 dram
Equine Potomac Fever
1 dram, 8oz 2 dram
Equine Herpes Virus
1 dram, 2 dram
The Rhino is one type of herpes and the herpes nosode is another.
I usually combine the latter with the EPM nosode,
but both can be given-the nosodes even seem to work on different species.
Rabies 1 dram, 2 dram
Heartworm Nosode for Prevention
1 dram, 2 dram
Heartworms are found in:
Dogs, Cats, Ferrets, Horses, Wild Animals (Bear, Fox)Can humans be infected with heartworms?
Yes, there have been instances of heartworm infection in people. Instead of migrating to
the heart, the larvae migrate to the lungs in humans. There the larvae can block vessels
causing an infarction. At the site of the infarction, a nodule develops which can be seen
on radiographs (x-rays). Usually, the person has few, if any signs of infection. Surgical
removal of the nodule is sometimes necessary.
Bartonella Nosode 1 dram
or 2 dram size.
Nosode 1 dram or 2 dram size
Scratches Nosode 1 dram or 2 dram
1 dram nosode Psorinum 30 c for Scratches -
Scratches is a chronic, seborrheic dermatitis characterized by hypertrophy and exudation on the caudal surface
of the pastern and fetlock. It often is associated with poor stable hygiene, but no specific cause is known. Heavy
horses (eg, draft horses) are particularly susceptible, and the hindlimbs are affected more commonly. Standardbreds
can be affected in the spring when tracks are wet.
Scratches may go unnoticed if hidden by the “feather” at the back of the pastern. The skin is itchy, sensitive,
and swollen during the acute stages; later, it becomes thickened and most of the hair is lost. Only the shorter
hairs remain, and these stand erect. The surface of the skin is soft, and the grayish exudate commonly has a fetid
odor. The condition can become chronic, with vegetative granulomas. Lameness may or may not be present; it can
be severe and associated with generalized cellulitis of the limb. As the condition progresses, there is thickening
and hardening of the skin of the affected regions, with rapid hypertrophy of subcutaneous fibrous tissue.
Persistent and aggressive treatment is usually successful. This consists of removing the hair, regular washing
and cleansing with warm water and soap to remove all soft exudate, drying, and applying an astringent dressing.
If granulomas appear, they can be cauterized. Cellulitis requires systemic antibiotic therapy and tetanus prophylaxis.
Psorinum 30 c
A dingy, dirty, foul look, as if covered with dirt; cannot wash it clean. Skin is rough and uneven, cracks easily,
bleeding fissures; it becomes rough and scaly. The skin itches when warm; itches when wearing woollens, when warm
in bed. Patient scratches until the part becomes raw, and then it becomes scabby.
NOTE: In the face of an epidemic, give the nosodes daily for 5 days then once weekly for 4 weeks, then you can
give every 2 weeks until it passes.
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Horse Treatment Protocols. Email me with any questions you have or for a free consult.
PIGEON FEVER Treatment Protocol 1 to 2 horses 2 to 4 wks. 3 to 4 horses 2 to 4 wks. Use the PF nosode to prevent
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LYMES Treatment Protocol use 3 to 6 wks depending on response.
Use the LYMES nosode to prevent reinfection. (recommended to use the ABC Lymes Supplement
for nutritional support).
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Lyme Treatment Testimonial
Hi Vickie.
I just wanted to update you on my roan gelding who relapsed with lymes after being treated with conventional meds
twice. I rode him on a 2 hr ride yesterday and he rode great!! He was peppy and didn't seem sore at all. He is
the one who became agitated after 4 days of treatment. I am treating both of my horses once a week now for the
6 weeks. This is an answer to prayer for me!!! Feel free to use me as a testimony. Cathy M. Brule, WI
Here's my testimonial! Gillian G. Middletown, CT
I was lucky enough to be tipped off to Vickie of My Fine Equine by an acquaintance last summer, and began to consult
with her at the time my mare was going through three weeks
of IV antibiotics for a bad case lyme, her fourth antibiotic treatment in a year. My gelding had also gotten lyme,
both almost as soon as we landed in Connecticut from California.
Our second year, we went through the worse winter Connecticut had known in fifty years; only their second winter
here, underfed at the barn we were at,
my horses lost weight and muscle mass.
And if all this wasn't enough, they also had to contend with a very very different barn culture in Connecticut
than the natural horsemanship world they knew in California, a horse culture
that relies on grain and oil more than generous amounts of hay to keep horses' weight up, likes to keep horses
stalled or closely penned, and is pretty tough on them psychologically......
My horses and I were pretty distressed by the time I chanced upon Vicki and my Fine Equine a year ago. She was
amazing. Worked with me long distance and very closely to figure out
how best to help my horses with her products. We worked out a protocol to boost their immune system, restore their
proper gut function, support their joints,
and "mop up" all accumulated toxins.
At her suggestion, I began to use Lyme and EPM homeopathic remedies (EPM as a preventative) which really helped.
Then we had break in luck: last November we mercifully moved
to the closest thing to a natural horsemanship barn one can find in this part of Connecticut. Vicki's protocols
really took off then. We tried ABC Mop Up soon after we moved and the
overall improvement was dramatic. At Vicki's suggestion I also added selenium and vitamin E to their ABC Plus;
it turned out they had not been getting enough selenium in the local grain/hay feed combo. That too made a difference
for the better. At every step of the way, with every development, Vicki has been there to help,
generous with her knowledge and time. And her products work.
My horses are now almost 100% back to their former selves: bright eyes, energy that is beginning to spare, healthy
coats, ever more supple joints. I only wish I had my own property
so I could follow the protocols fully (e.g free choice feed some of the products) but even then, Vicki will work
with you to make things work. I am eternally grateful.
Thank you, my Fine Equine!
(using the Homeopathic Lymes Treatment Protocol, the ABC Lymes Disease supplement, ABC PLUS, ABC MOP, ABC Selenium/Vitamin
E supplement,
Lymes Nosode to prevent and EPM Nosode to prevent, ABC Jeremy's Joint Jolt)
EPM Treatment Protocol 48 day very effective and no side effects.
Add, the EPM nosode to prevent reinfection.
Also recommend using the ABC EPM Supplement to help make repairs.
Instructions come with.
EPM (Equine Protazoal Myelitis) is a parasitic disease of the nervous system of the horse. Vectors are reportedly
wild animals such as the opossum and raccoon,
however one fact seems to fly in the face of this logic. Why has this disease only been reported in the last 15
years or so, when the organism or parasite was identified over 100 yrs. ago?
My theory on this situation is that modern medicine has caused us to use more vaccinations (and repetitions), more
second and third generation antibiotics
and more sophisticated drugs such as bute, banamine and other nsaid's to keep horses in training longer for either
racing, training, showing, other athletic events and for sales.
Vaccines, although they do help the body to make antibodies against certain diseases, have two problems or more.
Firstly, they have thiomersol as a preservative which contains mercury and can be toxic to horses.
Secondly, when we vaccinate a horse with a multi-valent (combo) vaccine, we help the body to make antibodies
to all the antigens or components of the combo vaccine, however, we also paralyze that portion of the immune system
that protects the body from natural infections.
Hence, we weaken the body's immune system so that an opportunistic parasite can start an infection.
Thirdly, we are encouraged to use de-wormers on a daily,monthly or bimonthly schedule
to kill intestinal parasites(worms), instead of testing to see if the animal really has parasites.
I have found when horses keep relapsing with EPM, they usually are on a very intense worming schedule.
The treatment I use for EPM is strictly homeopathic. I use the nosode (a homeopathic vaccination made from the
spinal fluid from an EPM infected horse) plus a complex of homeopathics
that have an affinity for the nervous system. These include arsenicum album, traumeel, gelsimium, plumbum, and
hypericum. My protocol is as follows: the homeopathic complex is
administered twice daily: the nosode is used daily for two weeks and then follows a decreasing schedule every two
weeks for three months.
Results vary, but most young horses show improvement in days and usually are well on the way to complete recovery
in just three weeks. Older horses usually take twice as long to respond,
but usually go on to a full recovery, just slower. Relapses occur occasionally, but with less frequency when all
vaccines, drugs and chemicals are suspended.
So far, I have treated over 1500 cases with a very high success rate; even horses that have not been successfully
cured with other methods have shown increased health.
Dr. Wessener. Holistic Vet
****NEW Drug Treatment for EPM mentioned by a client in Ringtown PA. 09-21-07
it's a pill, dosage goes by wt. 3 month treatment using RED CELL at 1/2 strength also. Very effective in getting
rid of the parasite.
Ask your VET if you want a DRUG THERAPY. Do not use Drugs at the same time as a Homeopathic Therapy. Reduces the
effectiveness of the Homeopathic.
TESTIMONIAL - LaurieJean C. New York Watch the after results video. Dark one is Impy. He was positive for EPM.
Spirit is chestnut. He was dire with it seemed neurogolical issues.
Treated both horses for EPM and Spirit for Lyme afterwards plus some specific nutritionals. Both horses were severly
messed up. Worked on the for couple of months.
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Nutritional Support for EPM,
Lyme's, for 21 Day Immune System boosting and support , Also ABC Plus or
ESR Equine-Zyme plus BG daily for maximum absorption, and use the ABC Free Choice Stress System.
West Nile nutritional support. Lymes
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What we do to prevent illness, or disease, is called preventative medicine, or prophylaxis.
Homeopathy has a long history of preventative therapy. Picture this. Dr Samuel Hahnemann [1755-1843], MD,
the founder of homeopathy, achieved remarkable results in the prevention and also treatment of a major scarlet
fever epidemic,
a brutal form of ‘strep’ throat, which swept Germany in 1802, just six years after homeopathy’s official discovery.
Hahnemann was also the first physician to emphasise the value of preventative medicine, long before vaccines came
into existence.
He was the first too to formulate the idea that a person attending on a small pox patient acquired lifelong immunity
against the illness.
Not many people would, however, know that Hahnemann was the first physician ever to prepare Hydrophobinum, a homeopathic
made from the saliva of a rabid dog to treat hydrophobia — a condition caused by the bite of a mad dog.
The illness presents itself with a pathological fear of water. He was, in other words, the first medical pioneer
to think of ‘immunisation,’
when Louis Pasteur, the founder of vaccination, was only eight years old.
Following Napoleon’s stunning defeat in Russia, in 1813, withdrawing French troops carried an epidemic of typhus
fever through Europe.
When the epidemic hit Leipzig, Germany, Hahnemann treated 180 cases of typhus. He cured all but two, representing
a 1 per cent mortality rate.
Conventional physicians reported a 30 per cent mortality rate.
In 1854, when cholera broke out in London, the mortality rate for patients under allopathic care was 59 per cent.
The mortality rate for patients under homeopathic care was only 9 per cent.
The influenza pandemic of 1918–1919 is still remembered for its devastating death toll. Considered the worst epidemic
in US history,
with 600,000 people dead, the deadly flu also took away the lives of 30-40 million people worldwide.
The Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy [1921] reported that in Dayton, Ohio, US,
the overall mortality rate of flu patients was 28 per cent, whereas in 26,000 cases of flu treated homoeopathically,
the mortality rate was just 1 per cent.
According to The Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, during the iniquitous outbreak of meningitis
in Brazil, in 1974,
18,640 patients were given the homeopathic nosode [prepared from diseased tissue], Meningococcinum, as a preventative.
Just 4 cases of meningitis were reported in this group. On the contrary, 6,340 people, who formed the control group,
and did not receive any treatment, developed 32 cases. The homeopathic efficacy was evident.
Over 2 million Cuban citizens at high risk in a leptospirosis epidemic, in 2007, were given preventative oral homeopathic
Researchers found that there was a significant decrease in the incidence of leptospirosis in the group that received
preventative homeopathic medicine.
The list is only indicative, not exhaustive.
In the light of homeopathy’s impressive clinical record in preventative care, it is not surprising that some people
think of vaccine therapy
to be somewhat similar to the homeopathic principle — ‘what can cause, can cure.’ In reality, this is just not
the case.
Homeopathy follows the principle of similars. A ‘suitable’ homeopathic medicine that matches the symptom-picture
of the individual or patient,
and not just the illness alone, is given in homeopathy. In vaccine therapy, the same vaccine is given to everyone.
Vaccines, as you’d know, are preparations of a weakened, or killed, micro-organism. They are tested on animals.
They are evidenced to cause several adverse effects, some of them serious.
Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, are tested on healthy human beings [provings]. Homeopathic medicines,
which are given in minute doses,
do not cause, or trigger, side- or toxic effects.
For long, homeopaths have successfully used Anthracinum for anthrax, Pertussin for whooping cough,
Diphtherinum for diphtheria, and so on — much before conventional vaccines came into use.
For about 10 years I managed my little Arab mare Posey who started
with Uveitis before I knew what the weepy eyes were
about. It went on for several years before having an actual "flare-up" where the lid got really hot and
a cloud appeared
in her eye. (moon blindness some call it). I put her on the Homeopathic Uveitis spray and she didn't have an episode
over a year so I thought she was "cured". She would have 1 in just 1 eye about once a year and then towards
the end
of her life at 36 1/2 she might 2 X's a year. I would give her 10 bayer aspirin crushed up 2 X a day in her food,
and put her
on the Master Jack for Uveitis along with her daily 8 oz of ABC PLUS which she has been on all along to help keep
immune system up to the best possible. During a flare up I would also 2 X daily rub some neosporin or a triple
antiob ointment
equivalent generic brand to keep it from becoming infected during the flare up.
She wore a UV protecting fly mask 24/7 as she had full access to the outdoors
from her shelter. Here is a pic of Posey and her son General, she was 36 and he 26. Her weight and energy was
great on my anti inflammatory diet so I didn't need to add any other immune system support. Vickie S.
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For Cat and Dogs I highly recommend the GRP for Dogs also safe for cats, My dogs and cats all get it and like it.
Also Dog and Cat food dry and wet I highly recommend Life's
Abundance by Dr. Jane Bicks and Healthy Pet Net
Dog Combo - DA2PPLVAC & Bordatella Nosode
1 dram up to 5 dogs 1 yr., 2 dram up to 10 dogs 1 yr.
Dog Combo - DA2PPLVAC & Bordatella Nosode
1 dram , 2 dram
Dog Combo - includes Distemper, Adenovirus, Lepto, Parainfluenza,
Parvo Virus, Corona, Bordatella
Dog FLU - 1 dram, 2 dram
Rabies 1 dram, 2 dram
Heartworm Nosode for Prevention
1 dram , 2 dram
NOTE: In the face of an epidemic, give the nosodes daily for 5 days then once weekly for 4 weeks.
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Dogs Heartworm Treatment Homeopathic Kit
Heartworm Kit Instructions come with.
Holistic Heartworm Treatment
Heart worms are a constant threat in most of the regions in the United States and are probably a threat in most
of the world. I know this because of the inquiries from Europe.
Normally, prevention is attained through the use of a chemical given to the dogs on a monthly basis, although some
are now given as an injection and last 6 months.
In my holistic practice, heartworm nosodes ( a homeopathic vaccine) are used as a preventative, on a monthly basis
after the initial protocol period, and have proven to be extremely effective.
Unfortunately, no statistics are available, but our records indicate no active infestations in any animal tested
for heart worms in the past 8 years at our clinic who were protected with the heartworm nosode.
Of course, I do not attribute the success just to the heartworm nosode, but to the entire holistic protocol of
diet, nosodes, lack of use of chemicals, antibiotics, steroids and other man made drugs.
I also prefer our pets to be watered with a filtered product such as reverse osmosis (distilled water is okay for
a month or two to detox, but I have seen clients who have been on distilled water
for years become very sick until the distilled water was replaced with reverse osmosis water-apparently the minerals
in reverse osmosis water are needed by the body to stabilize the blood.
The holistic heartworm treatment used by the Holistic Vet Clinic is three fold:
1. The heartworm nosode is used on a declining schedule from daily to weekly over a three month period.
2. A product called Paratox (a homeopathic complex of several remedies) is given orally or in the drinking water
twice daily for 48 days.
3. Diatomaceous earth is fed in moistened food once daily for a month or longer.
Statistics are not available as to what percentage of treated dogs test negative after 6 months after completion
of the treatment, but the percentage seems to be over 75%.
Many clients, after seeing the remission of all external symptoms (lack of stamina, cough, and shortness of breath)
refuse the conventional treatment on the basis of the
pet suffering ill effects, even if the animal still tests positive when tested after the 6 month period. Most of
these animals eventually will go negative with the continued use
of the nosode or 6 months of heartguard. It seems that this holistic treatment is beneficial, safe, economical,
and effective.
Dr. Wessener Holistic Vet
Rattlesnake Venom in homeopathic form - 1 dram 2 dram Instructions come with.
Rattlesnake Bite Kit
A few years ago a client asked if I could formulate a kit that pet owners could carry with them in high risk snake
areas, especially for the rattle snake.
Having treated a few water moccasin poisonous snake bites successfully (no pets or horses were lost) and after
some research, I formulated a kit for the rattlesnake bite.
A list of the homeopathics and herbs in the snake bite kit is as follows:
Hypericum 30C & Ledum 30C - these two homeopathics are the first homeopathic remedies I recommend after any
kind of puncture wound, including snake bites.
Start with one and alternate every 10 minutes.
Cedron 6X - For rattlesnake bites-can be in alternation with the Hypericum and Ledum. For severe rattlesnake bites,
I would give Cedron in between the Hypericum & Ledum.
Echinacea - this is the herb you might take to boost your immune system when you feel a cold coming on. Apparently,
there is a substance in this herb that denatures the rattlesnake venom.
I recommend taking Echinacea every 20-30 minutes until you see the swelling and inflammation subsiding.
MSM - I have read reports that MSM applied to the bitten area topically, helps with the swelling.
A client from California who had purchased my snake bite kit the previous year wrote me a letter describing her
episode with a rattlesnake and her two Jack Russells.
The two dogs were out in the woods and apparently ran across a rattlesnake, and being Jack Russells they decided
to get rid of this varmint. Well, both were bitten by the rattlesnake,
so the owner started the homeopathic treatment and headed to the local emergency clinic. The owner had experience
because both dogs had been bitten the year before and she knew
the symptoms since they were in a high risk area. Upon arrival at the veterinary clinic, only one dog received
minor treatment and both were kept overnight for observation.
The next day, when the owner picked up her two Jack Russells, she was amazed and delighted at their condition.
They acted as if nothing had happened to them, unlike the
previous year when their treatment had consisted of anti-venom and the dogs acted lethargic for 3-4 weeks.
Dr. Wessener Holistic Vet
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Educate Before You Vaccinate Your Horses, Cats and Dogs One More Time ----
How often do you vaccinate your horses?
Did you know they do not need yearly vaccines, that vaccines can last for years and years?
Did you know that this time of year more laminitis and health problems occur in our horses due to their Spring
vaccinations and chemical worming?
This is the time of year is a bit heart breaking for me, as my business grows trying to help people who have caused
laminitis and founder in the horses
they love, thinking they are doing the right thing by vaccinating yearly or in some cases twice yearly, and chemically
worming on the same day or in the same week....
this is not the reason I want my business to grow, I want it to grow because we help educate owner's in keeping
their horses, cats and dogs to stay healthy.
How about doing a fecal test/count before you decide to chemically worm your horses?
How about not doing a 5 way vaccine on your horses, and maybe do a blood titer to see if he/she even needs any
vaccines at all?
Did you know that horses do not need tetnus every year?
How about using Homeopathic Nosodes safe for all ages, even when pregnant.
I had a neighbor with her beautiful Boog (grey foundation bred QH gelding) who hung his head, colicy, fever, and
an injection site swelling, everytime
she gave him his spring vaccinations. She switched to Nosodes and has had no more problems. I use all the Nosodes
in a combo spray once a month
on all ages of my horses since 2006 with great success. Also on my dogs and cats as well.
If you vaccinate, use Thuja 30 c 1 dose daily for 5 days straight in between vaccines. Buy vaccines in the least
# in a combo as possible.
"Our dogs are in the midst of an epidemic. It’s not an epidemic of viral disease, but of chronic ill health.
They’re besieged with itchy, pus-laden, scabby skin; vomit and diarrhoea are the norm.
One in every hundred dogs suffers from epilepsy, and an even higher number lives with painful arthritis.
Allergies are also reaching epidemic proportions: dogs are becoming allergic to life.
According to Dr Jean W Dodds, an eminent vet and researcher, both allergic and autoimmune diseases have been rising
since the introduction of modified live virus vaccines.
Autoimmune diseases are where the body attacks self; they include cancer, leukaemia, thyroid disease, Addisons,
Grave’s disease, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus, thrombocytopenia, organ
failure, skin inflammations, and more.
We also seem to have a tremendous number of dogs with behavioural problems, largely due to over-vaccination and
processed pet food.
Vaccines are known to cause inflammation of the brain, as well as lesions throughout the brain and central nervous
The medical term for this is ‘encephalitis’, and vaccine’s role is acknowledged in the Merck Manual. Merck is a
vaccine manufacturer." From Dogs Naturally Magazine.
Our cats are also at risk and are getting sicker and sicker, living shorter and shorter lives, with more and more
cancers from the overvaccinations recommended by your local vets.
Most of the cancers in cats are vaccine related, and some are appearing at the site of the vaccines.
You could only vaccinate your dogs for their series of puppy vaccines, so they are covered and one time as an adult
for rabies, that is it.
You could also, only use Nosodes. They have no negative side effects.
Recommended diet for dogs are on a primairly raw food diet, a quality kibble without animal by products, wheat,
corn, soy,
and the cats because of the numbers get some raw, canned and some dry kibble.
You can do blood titers to find out what your pets levels are of the various vaccines, and/or you can use homeopathic
Nosodes to protect your pets.
If your vet insists on yearly vaccines then find another vet.
The vets I use understand the risks and know that I am very conservative with giving vaccines and they try to keep
up with the latest research,
some of which you can find in the link below at the rabies challenge fund.
What is Homeopathy and How Can Our Animals Benefit
from Homeopathic Remedies or Nosodes
By Dr. Gerald Wessner, DVM and Jessica Lynn, Earth Song Ranch©
"The introduction of homeopathy forced the old school doctor to stir around and learn something
of a rational nature about his business. You may honestly feel grateful that homeopathy survived the
attempts of allopaths (the orthodox physicians) to destroy it."
Mark Twain
Homeopathy is a system of therapies developed by Samuel Hahanmann. It is based upon the
"law of similars" or "likes are cured by likes" ("Similia Similibus Curentur") which
holds, as its
philosophy, that there is a medicinal substance found, mostly in nature, which can evoke certain
symptoms, in a healthy individual or animal, that may be effective in the treatment of illness having
symptoms similar, or closely resembling those produced by the substance.
Homeopathy is a scientific system of health care which activates or stimulates the body's
healing process in order to cure disease naturally, gently, and promptly. Homeopathy utilizes a
variety of mineral, plant and animal substances, including some snake venoms, in vary small doses,
to stimulate the body's natural healing powers and abilities in order to bring it back to balance.
The human and animal body has many complex health-maintaining defensive mechanisms.
The immune system is an essential part of these, but other factors also have a role to play.
If these mechanisms fail, then we sustain damage or illness, which then have to be repaired or
healed. Homeopathy works by stimulating both the health maintaining and the repair mechanisms.
Homeopathy is safe and effective, with no side effects. It is "medicine"
as a whole, which in its
purest form treats each patient (human or animal) as an individual. Its principles differ from those
of conventional medicine, as does its approach to the patient and to the concept of ill health. However,
it cannot replace all other forms of health care. It can be used as the treatment of first choice in
a wide range of conditions and can be a useful addition, or "complement" in other situations,
for example, to support good recovery after operations, or to mitigate the side effects of vaccines.
Homeopathic remedies, correctly chosen, are capable of affecting a cure for acute symptoms as
well as deep emotional or personal concerns. Thus with higher potencies and professional guidance,
you can use homeopathy to treat individuals (humans and animals) whose life has somehow driven
them to ill health, or disease. The remedy selection and dosage is critical, just as certain things
in nature can, in susceptible individuals, cause constipation, headaches, rashes, hay-fever, allergies,
pains etc. so can those very things stimulate a natural healing response, both acute
and manifest, to bring about healing.
Homeopathy is well over 200 years old and has been experiencing a comeback as people search for
alternative ways to heal themselves and their animals, in a more natural and less costly manner.
There are now hundreds of books written on homeopathy, for professional and lay people alike. The
books vary from small handbooks to multi volumes, from acute to chronic diseases, and from
veterinary medicine to human medicine, and more.
What is a Remedy, Where Does it Come From, and How is it Made:
Homeopathic remedies were discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago.
Dr. Hahnemann was a medical translator (because he abhorred the barbaric treatment patients
received at the hands of physicians) who, when translating a treatise by a learned physician of the day,
took issue with a sentence that stated that the curative effect of quinine when used to treat malaria,
was because of its bitter properties. Dr. Hahnemann reasoned that if quinine cured malaria, what would
happen if quinine were taken (if the patient were not ill) for several days. He formulated an experiment,
and performed it on himself and found that after several days of ingesting the quinine, he developed
the symptoms of malaria (not being in an endemic area for malaria and not having been exposed to malaria).
He then reasoned that if the quinine could give the symptoms of the disease to a well person, a person
could quite possibly be cured if given minute amounts of the quinine. This was the start of homeopathy.
Homeopathic remedies may be prepared from the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms.
They are
always diluted and succussed. Dilution is when a substance, when added to grain alcohol and allowed to
age for a time appropriate to the density of the substance (for a leaf-one hour: for bark or a dense
substance-a month) is diluted 10, 100, or 1,000 times. For example, when a dilution of 10 is used the
designation is an X, when a dilution of 100 is used, the designation is a C, and when a dilution of 1,000
is used, the designation is an M. Dilutions may be made any number of times, but the most common are
6,12, 30, and 200. If a substance is diluted 1 to a 100 just 2 times, the dilution is then 1:10,000,
3 times, then the dilution is 1:1,000,000.
The strength of the homeopathic process comes when the dilution is combined with a succussion process;
that is the vial containing the diluted substance is struck against an object that has a resiliency or bounce
back-in olden times a leather bound book was used, today a rubber mat or even one's own hand may be used.
The succussion is performed up to one hundred times for each dilution. With repeated dilution and
succussion, the homeopathic remedy is strengthened even though the number of molecules in the remedy
decreases and after 12 dilutions, no physical evidence of the original substance remains (no molecules);
only the energetic portion of the substance remains. This is the basis of homeopathics-
"an energetic remedy" that cures, based on the symptoms that the physical substance
would produce if given to a healthy person.
Veterinary Homeopathy
In veterinary medicine, homeopathics are used for both acute and chronic ailments.
Acute ailments include snake bites, bee stings, vomiting, diarrhea, distemper, Parvo, West Nile,
EPM, colic, joint ill in foals (ephyisitis), and any other ailment that comes on suddenly or acutely,
possibly combined with a fever. Homeopathy is also useful in treating chronic ailments such as
recurring ear or urinary infections, hot spots or just the itch, arthritis, bladder stones,
chronic hepatitis or nephritis, or even diabetes.
The most commonly used dilution in veterinary homeopathy is 6c & 30c, for horses it could also be
in the 1M strength - i.e., 6c is the mother tincture diluted 6 times by a factor of 100. However,
there are other dilutions used by Homeopathic Physicians and Veterinarians for which
a prescription is/would be necessary.
Remedies are most often dispensed in a palatable sugar tablet or pill form, with some dispensed in
liquid forms, or some in a topically used cream form. There are also combination formulas for injuries
that work very well, and are recommended for, as well as widely used on horses as well as humans;
one example is ARR (Arnica, Ruta, and Rhu Tox), used for injury including stifle pulls.
Examples of acute treatments are the use of Nux Vomica for colic, Apis for joint ill or any lesion
that resembles a honey bee sting, the use of Aconite and the West Nile Nosode for the treatment
of West Nile, and the use of Hypericum and Ledum for any type of puncture wound.
Veterinary medicine also uses Nosodes in place of vaccines. Traditional vaccines can and
do cause
immune deficiencies and reactions in our animals, they are also known to be toxic to some animals
due to the chemical delivery systems they use to administer the actual "vaccine", wherein Nosodes
assist the animal to build up a resistance to the disease and boost their immune responses naturally.
Examples of treatment of chronic diseases with homeopathics would be the use of a homeopathic remedy,
whose use was decided based on 3 or more very solid symptoms called keynote symptoms, and then
verified by researching the most likely remedy. After giving the remedy to the patient, it must be
decided in the next 2-3 weeks if any change or improvement occurs, and if no change or improvement
has occurred, then a new remedy must be considered. If improvement has occurred, then the patient
or client must wait till all improvement has stopped or plateaued out, and then must consider which
remedy should follow or find a new remedy. The time interval in between remedies may be as
little as a month or as long as 3 months.
Examples of homeopathics that are readily available and can help tremendously in
everyday situations:
Arnica - a remedy that is used for any kind of trauma-physical, emotional, and mental.
When given to effect, even old bruises will resolve more quickly. I routinely advise the use of
Arnica in my practice after any kind of trauma (Dr. Wessner never recommends the use of bute,
Banamine, or any kind of pain killer because these drugs remove inflammation without resolving
the underlying situation), after any surgery, both for the pain and bruising, but also as a replacement
for antibiotics. The results are quite gratifying.
Examples: If you get kicked or stepped on by a horse and your first reaction is to take a pain
killer so you can continue your day's work; instead you remember to take arnica every 15 minutes
for the first hour and then 3 times per day for a couple of days, and you discover that not only is
the pain disappearing, but the bruises are rapidly disappearing. In just a few days the whole
problem is resolved without the use of the painkillers.
Hypericum and Ledum - these two remedies are used alternatively for any kind of puncture
wounds -
a hypodermic injection that has had a reaction, a nail or fish hook puncture, and yes, even snake bites.
I have seen 3 cases of cottonmouth snakebites resolved with only the use of these 2 remedies -
even I was impressed that no anti-serum, fluids, hospitalization or any type of western
medicine was used to treat these cases.
The literature also states that this combination is useful in preventing tetanus in unvaccinated individuals,
because the remedies prevent the spores of tetanus from traveling up the nerves to the brain.
What is a Nosode
Nosodes are really homeopathic "immunizations" as opposed to "vaccinations". They are made
the very same way as a homeopathic remedy, by dilution, and succussion, except they are made from the
"discharges" when an organism (animal or human) gets sick. For example, a distemper Nosode is made
from the nasal discharge from an infected dog, a Parvo Nosode is made from the diarrhea of an infected
animal, and the EPM Nosode is made from the spinal cord of an EPM positive horse.
Secretions from an infected animal are serially diluted and succussed 30 times to give the Nosode its energy
so it can protect the body from disease. Protection is different from that caused by vaccines in that detectable
antibodies are not directly attributed to the Nosode, but to the exposure to the disease. Nosodes
are available
for all species and can be prepared in just hours instead of years for vaccines. Nosodes are extremely
safe as no chemical preservatives or live viruses or bacteria are present.
Nosodes have been used for over a hundred years in homeopathy and have an excellent track record.
All dog diseases can be controlled or eliminated by using Nosodes for distemper, Parvo, Bordatella,
Para-influenza, Leptospirosis, Adenovirys, corona and rabies. In cats the distemper, FIV, FIP,
Leukemia, and other Nosodes are available.
In Horses the flu, Rhino, EWT (Eastern and Western Encephalitis, Tetanus), West Nile, Strangles, EPM
(Equine Protozoal Myelitis) and Herpes (Pneumobort) and Pigeon Fever (soon) are available and quite effective.
For the past nine years Dr. Wessener has been using Nosodes in his practice as a replacement for
vaccines and the results have surpassed his wildest dreams. Not only are the diseases controlled, as
good or better than the vaccines, but also no reactions, either acute or chronic are seen.
To clarify the foregoing statement, much of Dr. Wessner's practice is counseling people, in person, and on the
phone to all parts of the country, on the proper protocols for their pets and horses for the effects of over-vaccination
and vaccination reactions. He also teaches a weeklong course on Acute Homeopathy for Animals.
Many itchy, arthritic, allergic, chronically infected ears and many other canine problems have
their roots in over vaccination. In horses, over vaccination, over use of anti-biotics, chemical fly sprays
and wormers cause many horses to succumb to EPM, Herpes, Uveitis, and autoimmune diseases not
seen 50 years ago before this became a "common" practice.
There has also become an increase in the number of "itchy" horses that have been subjected to the over
of vaccines and the over use of chemicals, including wormers (monthly paste and daily) and fly sprays. With all
over-vaccinations, worming and strong chemical fly sprays it also makes them unable to recover from
or over-come laminitis and founder.
It is interesting to note, once these problems are addressed homeopathically, and Nosodes are substituted
for vaccines, and herbal wormers are used monthly in place of the chemical pastes and gels; with chemical
wormers only used when absolutely necessary, these problems are cured and for the most part never re-occur.
What are Nosodes?
Nosodes are specialized homeopathic remedies that are prepared by taking the actually diseased matter from a sick
animal such as diseased tissue or nasal discharge.
The preparation of a nosode involves a lengthy process of succussion and dilution of the original material using
traditional homeopathic protocols
until virtually no molecules of the crude substance remain, rendering the nosode safe for use.
This process, called potentization, inactivates the original disease substance and converts the material into a
bioenergetic remedy which interacts with the bodys energy field.
The final product is a potent remedy that is an energetic blueprint of the actual disease.
What Nosodes are Available from The Holistic Vet Clinic and My Fine Equine:
In the horse, Nosodes are available for all the common diseases: Flu, Rhino, Eastern & Western Encephalitis,
Tetanus, Strangles, Potomac Horse Fever, Botulism, West Nile Fever, Herpes, & EPM.
And Pigeon Fever will be available in the late Spring or Early Summer of 2005.
In the dog world the Nosodes most commonly used are: Distemper, Parvo, Botulism, & Rabies. The Para-influenza,
Corona, Lepto, Lymes are also available but used to a lesser extent. Heart Worm nosodes also available.
For cats we have Distemper, FIV, FIP, Leukemia and Rabies.
At the Holistic Vet Clinic, Dr. Wessner recommends using the 30C dilution and after the first month's protocol,
recommends using the Nosodes on a monthly basis. As with all over-the-counter medications, nothing in this
website is meant to replace the advice of your health care provider or veterinarian.
The Nosode Protocol is as follows:
Horses- 15 pills or 3 sprays on gums, once per month, after the initial dosing protocol*.
Dogs & cats - 5-10 pills on gums, once per month, after the initial dosing protocol*.
*Nosode regimen: Give once daily for 3 days, then once per week for 4 weeks, then once per month thereafter.
Directions for giving pills (Nosodes):
Hint - wet your finger tip with the patient's saliva (many clients use there own saliva) then
put the approximate amount on the fingertips, and then raise the lip and apply to gum.
NOTE: Keep all Nosodes and homeopathics out of direct sunlight.
When making a spray you need to use 30 to 40 pills of ea in a 2oz bottle, 1 teaspoon vodka, fill rest wil
spring water or distilled water. Spray 3 sprays on the gums.
When dosing with the pills on the gums/inside the lip you are only Using 15 pills each time.
You can also spray on a treat your horse
Likes, such as a slice of apple (I'll bite a tiny piece out of the center to create a little crater for the spray
to stay in,
or I like to use the RedBarn treats, no mint though.
You can use other treats also only without any mint in them. I will spray on the
Redbarn flax treat 6 sprays to make sure they get enough. (Mint is contraindicated for use with homeopathics).
The best plan is to
Get it to absorb in the lining of the mouth. So if you want to make a solution
You can oral syringe, I would recommend letting 15 pills totally dissolve in
Up to 10cc's or 1/2oz of water is all.
Dr. Wessner recently suggested, when you first begin the nosodes, instead of 1 time, 3 days in a row,
do 1 time Each week for a month and then 1 time a month.
For my dogs I make a spray which includes lymes, westnile, the dog nosode combo,
And heart worm, then spray 6 sprays onto a cookie dog treat. It's also easy enough
To put 5 to 10 pills inside their lip.
For my cats, I just put the 5 pills per cat into their 1 gallon water jug/tank for
their waterer or can mix into their daily wet food.
"There are many stereotypes about homeopathy, many erroneous ideas distorting its purpose,
its potential and its limits. Among these stereotypes is the notion that homeopathy is a fixed,
unchanging therapy, which is obviously not true. Homeopathy is evolving,(it is dynamic energetic
medicine, it is vibration medicine, it is physics), thanks to the impetus and work of the thousands
of physicians, scientists, university scholars, and laboratories who are constantly questioning our
knowledge, in order to improve the effectiveness of these medicines…Any debate that attempts to
set up an opposition between homeopathy and "classical" medicine is today outmoded. Putting aside
any parochial feelings, we have to promote medicine as a whole, scientific and humane medicine,
open to scientific and technical progress just as much as to listening to the person who is ill, a medicine
devoted to promoting to the greatest extent possible each patient's healing potential rather than too
systematically using aggressive, coercive means that weaken the natural defenses of the organism;
a medicine that does not consider disease an enemy to be defeated, but rather a manifestation of a
dysfunction to be discovered and palliated, with the close cooperation of the patient; a medicine that
favors preventive measures based on nutrition as well as on hygiene and healthy living in general...
This is the fertile soil in which homeopathy has germinated, grown and will naturally flourish
due to the results it provides compared to other therapeutic means..." Boiron Homeopathics
I get asked these questions all the time in my practice, usually from concerned horse owners who use a holistic
management program.
I can usually help my clients make informed decisions about which, if any, vaccinations to give because I know
their horses well. Most
of my clients are well aware of that while vaccines can protect their horses
against certain diseases, the side effects can often be worse than the disease itself.
But many people are not aware of this risk-reward formula that comes with vaccination. In fact, when I look up
the most common Google
searches for horse vaccines I find that most queries are about vaccination cost, frequency, and availability. Almost
no one is asking, via
searches, whether they should vaccinate their horses at all, or whether vaccines have negative side effects.
Yet, the decision about whether to vaccinate your horse, and with which vaccines, is a serious one that takes a
bit of thought and research.
Vaccination: Risk and Reward
Obviously the positive side of vaccinating horses is that your horse has some protection against certain diseases,
especially diseases that
are fatal. This is the “reward” side of the vaccination equation.
The risk side of the equation relates to the possible side effects that may affect your horse later in life. Over-vaccinated
horses, or
horses who are not healthy enough to withstand vaccination can suffer from (to name a few):
chronic colic and digestive issues
chronic respiratory infections
flare-ups of chronic illnesses previously under control
metabolic dysfunctions
Deciding whether to vaccinate your horse with which vaccines, if any, can be a real quandary. So how do you figure
out what to do for your horse?
Educate yourself and then make an informed decision.
Deciding Whether to Vaccinate Your Horse
Each horse is different in his or her ability to tolerate vaccines, and in his or her need for vaccines. Some horses
stay perfectly healthy
on a holistic program that strongly supports their immune system, never needing any vaccinations beyond the ones
given in the very
early years. Other horses may need certain vaccines plus supplements to support their immune system. To educate
yourself about
how to vaccinate your horse, here are some questions you can ask
About your region:
Which diseases are common in my area?
Which of these diseases are fatal? If your horse must be vaccinated you may choose just the vaccines for possibly
fatal diseases.
Which of these diseases are easily transmitted?
Have others in the region found alternate successful ways to protect their horses from these regional diseases?
Are there regulations in your regions that may cause the authorities to put your horse down if he becomes ill and
has not been vaccinated?
Is your horse stabled in close proximity to other horses, increasing his chances of being infected by disease?
Is your horse boarded at a stable that requires certain vaccinations?
About you:
How will you feel if you do not vaccinate and your horse dies or becomes seriously ill?
How will you feel if you vaccinate your horse and he suffers from chronic diseases later in life that have to be
managed on a daily basis?
How will you feel if your horse suffers from painful side effects for days or weeks after vaccination?
Are you willing to experiment with a strong nutritional program tailored to boost your horse’s immune system, knowing
there is a risk
that your horse may get the disease (but may also recover quickly)?
About your horse:
Is your horse healthy enough to be vaccinated?
Does your horse suffer from short term side effects after vaccination, such as a sore neck, respiratory infection,
or overall body pain?
If so, this is a clue that your horse may not tolerate vaccination well.
Is your horse older (thus less able to tolerate vaccines)? I vaccinate yearlings and two-year-olds, but rarely
older horses.
Does your horse already have one or more chronic conditions that could be worsened by vaccination?
Does your horse have a weakened immune system or is he currently suffering from a short-term health issue? If so,
it may be best
to wait until he is healthy again before you vaccinate.
Does your horse travel to many places where he might be exposed to various diseases?
Is your horse physically, emotionally, or mentally stressed? This can suppress his immune system.
Vaccination and Educating Yourself
Developing an appropriate vaccination program for your horse can take a bit of work and research, but both you
and your horse will benefit
from it. If you are interested in learning more about vaccines, how they are made, side effects, case studies,
titers, immune-supporting nutritional programs, and more.
Homeopathic Nosodes: Vaccination Alternative?
Written by Jessica Bourgeois for Holistic Horse 4.03.12
In a day and age when the validity of some vaccination protocols is in question, where does a horse owner
Homeopathic nosodes have been in use in humans and animals since the 1800s. Today, the Food and Drug Administration
them a prescription item, requiring veterinarian involvement for animal use.
Joyce Harman, DVM, MRCVS, of Harmany Equine Clinic in Virginia defines a nosode as “a homeopathic remedy made from
diseased tissue.
A good example would be, say, strangles, where you have a lot of pus-like material that comes out of the nose or
out of the lymph nodes;
it is made into a homeopathic remedy through the process of dilution and succussion. It’s diluted anywhere from
1 to 30 to 200 times.
It’s shaken – or succussed– between each dilution.”
These homeopathic remedies, which can have a shelf life of 100 years, are made in liquid form. For ease of use,
the remedy is
commonly sprayed on sucrose or lactose pellets. While nosodes have been in use for more than 200 years, the nosodes
for today’s
modern diseases have been around for only about 20 years.
Robin Cannizzaro, DVM, CVA, of Wholistic Veterinary Care in Florida, points out a bit of a discrepancy in what
people think of nosodes.
“They’re often considered homeopathic vaccines, which is a misnomer, because they don’t act the same way as vaccines,”
she says.
Kimberly Henneman, DVM, FAAVA, CVA, CVC, of Animal Health Options in Utah elaborates on this difference,
“They work according
to classical homeopathic principles in that they stimulate the body’s response to similar disease processes. They
do not work by directly
challenging the body’s immunity to stimulate either cellular immunity or antibody production [as vaccines do].
The actual physiological
mechanism of action has not yet been elucidated,” Dr. Henneman continues, “however new physics research is showing
that solutions
made according to homeopathic principles, dilution and succussion, change the crystalline and electromagnetic nature
of the water in which they are made.”
One theory is that nosodes work by creating an artificial disease in the body. “There’s one idea that homeopathic
medicines may occupy a space,
a resonance that the natural disease would occupy should the animal come into contact with the natural disease,”
offers Dr. Cannizzaro.
“If at the time the space is occupied by the nosode, then the disease has no place to settle and reside. If there’s
no resonance with the
patient whatsoever, then it just kind of disappears and nothing much happens.”
Dr. Harman offers her explanation, “We’re putting into the body a very, very dilute substance that really puts
a picture into the body,
an energetic picture that triggers a healing response. It’s sort of like turning a switch with this very dilute
energetic substance that says t
o the body ‘you need to fix this problem.’ With a nosode, what we’re doing is trying to tell the body energetically
that it’s capable of dealing with a bug.”
Dr. Harman cautions against simply substituting nosodes for traditional vaccines: “There are vets out there who
are touting ‘here, buy
my nosode package, give nosodes for your horses as a vaccine,’ and all it’s really doing is substituting two different
things that are really
not the same; you’re still using the Western mindset of ‘we have to give this vaccine because it’s March 1.’ You’re
not thinking about
treating the animal holistically.” It is for these reasons that no one should undertake giving their horses nosodes
without the advice of their veterinarian.
An important difference between vaccines and nosodes is the use of nosodes does not give you a measurable titer,
used to assess
antibodies in the body. While a vaccine will create titers, a nosode will not as it does not stimulate the immune
system in the same way.
“Nosodes really are not a substitute for a vaccine; they really have a different purpose, but people tend to think
of them that way,” says Dr. Harman.
“Each nosode you give is a treatment,” says Dr. Harman. “It’s triggering a response in the body, and that response
might be good for
the body, or it might not. Anytime we start throwing piles of homeopathic remedies into horses, or any animal,
without the need for it,
we run the risk of getting horses very difficult to cure from whatever diseases they do get because the energy
of the body is so confused.”
“We would make the decision based on the animal’s health history and exposure risk,” Dr. Henneman says. “Giving
a nosode to an
animal with underlying constitutional disease can cause an adverse reaction which can worsen matters. Sometimes,
based on vaccine titer status, a nosode is unnecessary.”
All three veterinarians interviewed for this piece agree that the best time to use a nosode in is the face
of an outbreak. Dr. Cannizzaro says,
“A nosode is more effective if you have an outbreak. If we give a vaccination, it’s going to take anywhere from
10 days to 2 weeks for the
immune system to mount a completely appropriate response to the vaccination.” Oftentimes when you have a disease
outbreak in a barn,
horses not yet showing signs of illness may already have the bug in their system. Dr. Harman explains, “If you
go in and vaccinate those
horses in the rest of that barn while they might be incubating the disease, there’s a very good chance you’ll have
some very, very sick horses,
because it’s sort of like the vaccine crosses with the disease.”
While holistic veterinarians know that nosodes, if used appropriately, do work, there is little scientific research
to back up their results.
“There is a biological reaction that occurs in the patient,” says Dr. Cannizzaro, “so you can’t say ‘OK, well it
doesn’t do anything,’ because
we watch tumors disappear, we watch sarcoids disappear, we watch lamenesses get better, colics go away, and there’s
absolutely positively something that happens.”
Dr. Harman points to cases in animal shelters that use nosodes on their dog populations, most of which come
in already sick with kennel cough
and parvovirus. “[The shelters] know what their case rate was previous to nosodes, and they can see that drop by
50-80% after the nosode use.
That’s been repeated time and time again. We’re never going to have access to that kind of data in the horse world,”
she says.
The best way for horse owners to keep their horses healthy is to make a plan with their vet, and concentrate on
getting them healthy to begin
with. Dr. Harman says that to really help protect our horses we should, “Spend our time and energy on having their
immune system as healthy
as possible, and then use a nosode if there’s a risk of a disease in your area.” Owners should make an appointment
with their holistic vet,
and after a health evaluation, decide on an overall plan of action to keep their equines in top form.
While the use of nosodes, and homeopathy in general, isn’t mainstream, horse owners should be aware that they have
options when it comes
to veterinary care and disease prevention in their horses. Perhaps Dr. Cannizzaro says it best, “If we don’t empower
people with different
choices, they never will make different choices.”
Homeopathic nosodes are designed to be absorbed into the body through the mucus membranes. In horses, the most
common way to give them is orally.
Dr. Harman describes her process: “There are many ways you can give homeopathic remedies, and there’s this whole
about ‘don’t touch them, don’t give them with food’...If you take a horse who has a long mouth, and they chew their
food very well,
all you have to do is get it in their mouth. I would say I feed 90% of mine in a little bit of food. By the time
the horse chews the food,
they have absorbed the remedies in the mucus membranes.”
Dr. Cannizzaro counters, “Really, there’s no mystery to not handling the homeopathic pellets. If you handle
them too much, you might
actually rub the medicine off of the pellet...All of the medicine per se is pretty much impregnated on the outside
of the pellet.”
She says while you can feed the pellets in some food, “We want to reduce the greatest number of variables when
you’re going to
give a homeopathic medicine, and when you mix it with food, there is some controversy about whether or not there’s
any kind of
interaction between the food source and the homeopathic medicine.”
Dr. Cannizzaro suggests, “Either liquefy the pellets (dissolve them in spring or distilled water in a syringe)
and then give them by mouth,
or if the pellets are small enough, I just open the lower lip of the horse and I pour the pellets onto the lower
lip, inside that pocket...
Really, the most important thing is that the pellets dissolve.”
From Holistic Horse 04.03.12
By Dr.Jeannie on Apr 9, 2012 in Dog News The Latest Poop, Dog Recommended Radio Shows, Dog Vaccinations, Featured
Yes, I said religion. Here are a couple of definitions of religion:
A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
A body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices.
The practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
Wait a minute! Aren’t vaccines supposed to “protect” our pets (and children) from disease?
This is surely what we have all been indoctrinated into believing over the years. But where are the studies and/or
the research? The proof?
There is none! Search for yourself…
Daily, veterinarians and animal naturopaths are seeing quite the opposite of animals protected from disease. In
fact, more and more,
pets are presenting with allergies, itchy and/or infected ears, yeast infections, eczema, atopy,arthritis, bone
diseases, digestive
problems, IBS, autoimmune diseases, organ failure, neurological and behavioral problems, cancer and death! Why?
Read more here
Did you know that vaccines have no science behind them of efficacy or safety?
Did you know that vaccines have been shown to do more harm than good?
Maybe there is a lot about vaccines you were not aware of?
Want to know more? Here are some great links to some audios and videos to get you started on your search for the
truth about vaccines:
About Nosodes
Nosodes have been used in homeopathic medicine since the mid 1800s. Nosodes are relatively unknown in veterinary
practice and very controversial in holistic veterinary practice.
Many benefits have been noted, including a decrease in the severity and frequency of disease.
Although nosodes are still controversial as a replacement for traditional vaccinations, evidence of their safety
and efficacy is growing.
What are Nosodes?
Nosodes are specialized homeopathic remedies that are prepared by taking actual diseased matter from a sick animal
such as diseased tissue or nasal discharge.
The preparation of a nosode involves a lengthy process of succussion and dilution of the original material using
traditional homeopathic protocols until virtually no molecules of the crude substance remain,
rendering the nosode safe for use.
This process, called potentization, inactivates the original disease substance and converts the material into a
bioenergetic remedy which interacts with the body’s energy field.
The final product is a potent remedy that is an energetic blueprint of the actual disease.
Nosodes are completely safe, easy to administer, and can be given to puppies much earlier than vaccines.
Pregnant females can be treated with nosodes prior to giving birth, providing immunity to their litters before
they are born.
The difference between a nosode and a conventional vaccine is that there are no dangerous chemicals and additives
in the homeopathic remedy.
Nosodes are also given orally whereas core vaccines are injected. Nosodes can be used in two ways: to protect against
disease (called homeoprophylaxis), or as a remedy should the animal become ill.
Nosodes restore health through vibrational energy. They interact with the body’s energy reserves, recalibrating
positive and negative forces within the energy field and stimulating the body to heal and protect itself.
When a nosode is given, the body recognizes the cellular structure and disease imprint, producing an immune response
similar to actual exposure to the disease itself.
Although this is difficult to prove scientifically, there are numerous examples of how nosodes have been used in
homeoprophylaxis and to treat the onset of disease.
Research and Results with Homeopathic Immunization in Humans
Dr. Isaac Golden, an Australian homeopath, has done extensive research in the field of homeopathic childhood immunizations.
Working directly with families who agreed to participate in a clinical trial of typical childhood diseases, Dr.
Golden concluded that homeopathic immunizations were 90.4% effective.
From 2001 to 2004, Dr. Golden also studied vaccine safety compared to homeopathic immunizations. He found that
children who received standard vaccines were 15 more times likely to get asthma,
7 times more likely to get eczema and 2 times more likely to get allergies than those who were immunized by homeopathic
His work is published in his ground breaking books, Vaccination and Homoeprophylaxis: A Review of Risks and Alternatives,
and Homoeprophylaxis: A Ten Year Clinical Study.
Similar studies have been conducted in Cuba and Brazil using homeopathic immunizations during disease outbreaks.
In fact, homeoprophylaxis intervention was used during a large-scale Leptospirosis outbreak in Cuba in 2007.
Four different strains of the virus were combined in the homeopathic preparation, which was given to over two million
people in high risk areas.
Resulting data showed that in the areas where homeopathic intervention was used, the incidence of Leptospirosis
fell below the historic median.
This result suggested that the homeoprophylaxis succeeded in reducing the disease incidence and controlling the
This was one of the first examples of using large-scale homeoprophylaxis as a method for disease control.
Brazilian statistics on the use of homeopathic immunizations were collected in the 1974 outbreak of Meningococcal
disease. Out of 18, 640 children who received homeopathic remedies,
only 4 cases of meningococcal infection occurred, compared to 32 cases out of the 6,340 children who were not protected.
This resulted in a 95% effectiveness rate for the homeopathically immunized children.
These types of studies in childhood disease provide a reference point for veterinary studies which are difficult
to document and collect.
Clinical trials are costly and follow-ups may be more difficult in rural areas where nosodes are more commonly
used within farming communities.
Nevertheless, success stories are emerging based on empirical evidence that supports the use of nosodes as a viable
alternative to vaccines in routine healthcare.
Veterinary Successes with Nosodes
Dr. Christopher Day, British veterinary homeopath, has been using nosodes in his practice for 35 years. Evidence
of reduced rates of distemper,
hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus and kennel cough has encouraged him to recommend nosodes to his clients for
prevention and treatment of disease.
In 1985, Dr. Day and The Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre (AVMC) documented the successful use of nosodes
in a kennel cough outbreak.
The trial was done in a daycare and there were 214 dogs participating including both vaccinated and unvaccinated
The nosode was introduced by placing it in the dogs’ drinking water.
Remarkably, out of a total of 214 dogs that were treated with the kennel cough nosodes, the incidence of actual,
full-blown disease was only 1.9% out of 214 dogs, and the majority of dogs who did contract kennel cough exhibited
only minor symptoms.
The vaccinated dogs had a higher incidence of disease at 4.7% whereas only 0.7% of the unvaccinated dogs showed
Minor symptoms were expressed by 42.5% of the dogs, with 59.7% of vaccinated dogs showing minor symptoms, compared
to 26.7% of unvaccinated dogs.
This study shows that nosodes can be effective in disease prevention, and when dogs do contract disease, the severity
of symptoms can be reduced with their use.
The alarming increase in autoimmune conditions, allergies, cancer and other canine health issues due to vaccine
reactions is a known fact.
Pet owners are now seeking alternatives to keep their dogs healthy while preventing disease and illness.
The growing interest in nosodes comes at a time when the safety and efficacy of vaccines are being questioned.
As an integral part of the homeopathic family, nosodes are dog friendly for several reasons. Because their action
works across the mucous membranes of the mouth, it is not necessary to swallow the medicine.
Dosing is easy since the mouth doesn’t have to be opened and the remedy can be placed on the gum or inside the
The single dose powder is sweet tasting.
The immune response to nosodes offers a more natural response to disease without the introduction of killed or
modified viruses and harmful preservatives that can weaken the immune system.
Unlike vaccines, nosodes are both safe and effective.
Can nosodes replace vaccines? What we do know is nosodes are working with a degree of efficacy to warrant further
study and data collection.
We know that they are a safe alternative to vaccines, and that they have been proven for homeoprophylaxis in human
clinical trials.
Because of their safety record, health benefits, and even the lower cost, nosodes are gaining popularity among
holistic veterinarians and pet owners who are willing to give them a serious chance.
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